Professor FURUMAI, Hiroaki

- Labolatory
- Qualifications
- Professional Experience
- Present Research Involvement
- Research Interests
- Credentials
- Recent Publications
- Reviews
- The report of the final lecture on 14th March 2022
- D.Engg. (Environmental Engineering), University of Tokyo, Japan; 1984.
- M.Engg. (Environmental Engineering), University of Tokyo, Japan; 1981.
- B.Engg. (Environmental Engineering), University of Tokyo, Japan; 1979.
Professional Experience
- 1984-1986 : Research Associate, Department of Civil Engineering,
- Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
- 1986-1988 : Research Associate, Department of Civil Engineering Hydraulics,
- Kyushu University, Kyushu, Japan.
- 1988-1991 : Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering Hydraulics,
- Kyushu University, Kyushu, Japan.
- 1991-1997 : Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Urban Engineering,
- Ibaraki University, Ibaraki, Japan.
- 1997-1998 : Associate Professor, Department of Urban Engineering,
- University of Tokyo (UTokyo), Japan.
- 1998-2006 : Professor, Department of Urban Engineering, UTokyo.
- 2005-2006 : Director of Research Center for Water Environment Technology (RECWET),
- School of Engineering, UTokyo.
- 2006-2022 : Professor, RECWET, School of Engineering, UTokyo.
- 2022- : Institute Professor, Research and Development Initiative, Chuo University
- 1990-1991 : Stanford University and University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- 2000-2001 : Oregon State University, USA and EAWAG, Switzerland
Present Research Involvement
- Urban Strom Drainage and Watershed Management.
- Characterization of Natural Organic Matters in Reservoirs and Lakes
- Microbial Population Dynamics and Modeling of Nutrient Removal in Sequencing Batch Reactor
Nitrate Removal from Groundwater by Sulfur Denitrification
Research Interests
- Field Survey on Wet Weather Pollution and Model Analysis of Urban Pollution Runoff with GIS
- Build-up and Wash-off of Micropollutants (PAHs, and Heavy Metals) in Urban Area
- Distribution of PAHs in Estuary Sediments and Its Accmulation in Benthos
- Characterization of DOM/NOM in Lakes and Reservoirs for Drinkingwater
- Source Fate and Behavior of DOM in Flocculation and Advanced Oxidation
- Processes Microbial Population Analysis in Reservoirs using Molecular
- Technique Optimization of Biological Nutrient Removal in Wastewater
- Treatment using Mathematical Model Quinone Profile and DGGE Analysis of Activated Sludge in Aerobic/Anaerobic SBR Characterization of Domestic
- Sewage from the veiwpoint of nutrient removal
Awards :
Best Paper Award by Japan Society of Water Pollution Research and Control, 1990.
Best Paper Award by Japan society of Civil Engineers, 1995.
Member :
International Water Association (IWA).
Water Environment Federation (WEF).
Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE).
Japan Society on Water Environment (JSWE).
Japan Water Works Association (JWWA).
Japan Sewage Works Association (JSWA).
Society of Environmental Science, Japan.
Recent Publications
Iftita Rahmatika, Futoshi Kurisu, Hiroaki Furumai, Ikuro Kasuga (2022) Dynamics of the Microbial Community and Opportunistic Pathogens after Water Stagnation in the Premise Plumbing of a Building, Microbes and Environments, 37(1), 1-11.
Manish Kumar, Keisuke Kuroda, Damia Barcelo, HiroakiFurumai (2022) Monsoon dilutes the concurrence but increases the correlation of viruses and Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs) in the urban waters of Guwahati, India: The context of pandemic viruses, Science of The Total Environment, 813(20), 152282, 1-15.
Ikuro Kasuga, Kyoka Nagasawa, Masato Suzuki, Futoshi Kurisu and Hiroaki Furumai (2022) High-Throughput Screening of Antimicrobial Resistance Genes and Their Association With Class 1 Integrons in Urban Rivers in Japan, Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 825372, 1-15.
清水雅也, 菅谷 和寿, 古米 弘明 (2022) 標準活性汚泥による下水中の1,4-ジオキサンの除去に及ぼす影響要因, 下水道協会誌, 59(712), pp.76-85.
Bisheng XU, Hiroaki FURUMAI and Yoshihiro SHIBUO (2021) EVALUATION OF STORMWATER RUNOFF REDUCTION BY GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE DURING SHORT-TERM HEAVY RAINFALLS, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), Vol. 77, No. 2, I_271-I_276.
上原悠太郎・栗栖太・春日郁朗・古米弘明 (2021) 高分解能 LC/MS による河川水中溶存有機物の網羅的ノンターゲット分析のための試料前処理法, 土木学会論文集(G) Vol.77, No.7, III_251-III_260.
Lianhui Wu, Yoshimitsu Tajima, Hiroshi Sanuki, Yoshihiro Shibuo, Hiroaki Furumai (2021) A novel approach for determining integrated water discharge from the ground surface to trunk sewer networks for fast prediction of urban floods. Journal of Flood Risk Management, e12773.
佐伯健, 古米弘明 (2021) 水道広域化による事業基盤強化効果の業務指標を用いた定量的評価, 水道協会雑誌, 90(10), 11-19.
伊藤 優一, 北村 隆光, 古米 弘明 (2021) 下水道事業におけるグリーンインフラ活用の現状と課題に関する考察, 下水道協会誌, 58(707), pp.64-76.
Hop V. Phan, Futoshi Kurisu, Koichiro Kiba, Hiroaki Furumai (2021) Optimized Cultivation and Syntrophic Relationship of Anaerobic Benzene-Degrading Enrichment Cultures under Methanogenic Conditions. Microbes and environments, 36(3), ME21028, 11pages.
Chomphunut Poopipattana and Hiroaki Furumai (2021) Fate Evaluation of CSO-derived PPCPs and Escherichia coli in Tokyo Coastal Area after Rainfall Events by a Three-dimensional Water Quality Model, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 19(4), pp.251-265.
Ikuro Kasuga, Hitomi Nakamura, Futoshi Kurisu, Hiroaki Furumai (2021) Characterization of microbial regrowth potential shaped by advanced drinking water treatment. H2Open Journal, 4(1), 157-166.
北山 千鶴, 森田 健二, 福地 広識, 李 星愛, 古米 弘明 (2021) 糞便汚染指標を基にしたお台場海浜公園における海水浴予報システムの試行運用, 水環境学会誌 44(3), pp.59-68.
Vu Duc Canh, Seiichiro Tabata, Shun Yamanoi, Yoichi Onaka, Toshiyuki Yokoi, Hiroaki Furumai and Hiroyuki Katayama (2021) Evaluation of Porous Carbon Adsorbents Made from Rice Husks for Virus Removal in Water, Water, 13, 1280.
Masaya SUGIURA, Hideshige TAKADA, Naohiko TAKADA, Kaoruko MIZUKAWA, Shumpei TSUYUKI, Hiroaki FURUMAI (2021) Microplastics in urban wastewater and estuarine water: Importance of street runoff, Environmental Monitoring and Contaminants Research, Vol.1, pp.54-65.
Yoshihiro Shibuo and Hiroaki Furumai (2021) Advances in Urban Stormwater Management in Japan: A Review, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol.16, No.3, pp. 310-320.
Kyuhyun Park, Yoshihiro Shibuo, Junichi Katayama, Shinji Baba, and Hiroaki Furumai (2021) Applicability of High-Resolution Geospatial Data Obtained by UAV Photogrammetry to Develop Drainage System Models for Pluvial Flood Analysis, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol.16, No.3, pp. 371-380.
Kentaro Fukumori, Yu Kurita, and Hiroaki Furumai (2021) Validation of Inundation Damage Reduction by a Pump Gate with the New Type of Horizontal Axial Submersible Pump, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol.16, No.3, pp. 381-386.
Daniel Ekhlas, Futoshi Kurisu, Ikuro Kasuga, Tomislav Cernava, Gabriele Berg, Miaomiao Liu, and Hiroaki Furumai (2021) Identification of new eligible indicator organisms for combined sewer overflow via 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing in Kanda River, Tokyo, Journal of Environmental Management, Vol.284, 112059.
Shotaro Torii, Hiroaki Furumai, Hiroyuki Katayama. (2021) Applicability of polyethylene glycol precipitation followed by acid guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extraction for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA from municipal wastewater, Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 756, 143067.
Vu Duc Canh, Shotaro Torii, Hiroaki Furumai, and Hiroyuki Katayama (2021) Application of Capsid Integrity (RT-)qPCR to Assessing Occurrence of Intact Viruses in Surface Water and Tap Water in Japan, Water Research, Vol. 189, 116674.
Ishii, Y., Kurisu, F., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2021) Competition for growth substrates in river water between Escherichia coli and indigenous bacteria illustrated by high resolution mass spectrometry, Letters in Applied Microbiology 72(2), pp.133-140.
Chomphunut Poopipattana, Motoaki Suzuki, Hiroaki Furumai (2021) Impact of long-duration CSO events under different tidal change conditions on distribution of microbial indicators and PPCPs in Sumida river estuary of Tokyo Bay, Japan. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(6), 7212-7225.
Warangkana Na Phatthalung, Oramas Suttinun, Phanwatt Phungsai, Ikuro Kasuga, Futoshi Kurisu, Hiroaki Furumai, Charongpun Musikavong (2021) Non-target screening of dissolved organic matter in raw water, coagulated water, and chlorinated water by Orbitrap mass spectrometry, Chemosphere Vol 264, Part 2, 128437.
Phanwatt Phungsai, Futoshi Kurisu, Ikuro Kasuga, Hiroaki Furumai (2021) Changes in dissolved organic matter during water treatment by sequential solid-phase extraction and unknown screening analysis, Chemosphere Vol 263, 128278.
尾崎 則篤, 和田 桂子, 村上 道夫, 中島 典之, 古米 弘明 (2021) 公表調査データの統計解析による市街地ノンポイント汚濁負荷流出量の予測とその信頼性評価 –負荷量の統計的推定および新規入手データを用いたモデルの検証と改良–, 水環境学会誌 44(1), pp.1-8.
▲Recent Publications / ▲Page Top
鈴木元彬、Chomphunut POOPIPATTANA、古米弘明 (2020) 塩分と太陽光が下水由来の指標微生物の消長に及ぼす影響評価, 土木学会論文集(G) Vol.76, No.7, III_411-III_421.
山本可那子、古米弘明 (2020) 東京都区部における雨天時越流量を反映する特性値を用いた降雨の類型化, 土木学会論文集(G) Vol.76, No.7, III_535-III_542.
Sangsanont, J., Kurisu, F., Furumai, H., Katayama, H. (2020) Ozone disinfection kinetics of poliovirus 1 determined by cell culture assay, RT-qPCR and ethidium monoazide qPCR reduction in a continuous quench-flow reactor, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 129(6), pp.1530-1540.
Kasuga, I., Suzuki, M., Kurisu, F. and Furumai, H. (2020) Molecular-level characterization of biodegradable organic matter causing microbial regrowth in drinking water by non-target screening using Orbitrap mass spectrometry, Water Research 184, 116130.
石井淑大, 栗栖太, 畠山準, 春日郁朗 and 古米弘明 (2020) 入間川へ流入する有機汚濁物質と浄水処理後の残留状況のノンターゲットスクリーニング分析. 環境科学会誌 33(5), 79-89.
Jantarakasem, C., Kasuga, I., Kurisu, F. and Furumai, H. (2020) Temperature-Dependent Ammonium Removal Capacity of Biological Activated Carbon Used in a Full-Scale Drinking Water Treatment Plant, Environmental Science & Technology 54(20), 13257-13263.
Kumar, M., Furumai, H., Kasuga, I. and Kurisu, F. (2020) Metal partitioning and leaching vulnerability in soil, soakaway sediments, and road dust in the urban area of Japan. Chemosphere 252, 126605.
Inoue, K., Asami, T., Shibata, T., Furumai, H., Katayama, H. (2020) Spatial and temporal profiles of enteric viruses in the coastal waters of Tokyo Bay during and after a series of rainfall events. Science of The Total Environment, 727.
Yuthawong, V., Kasuga, I., Kurisu, F. and Furumai, H. (2020) Application of Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry to Investigate Seasonal Variations of Dissolved Organic Matter Composition in a Eutrophic Lake in Japan. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 6(7), 1816-1827.
Kasuga, I., Yuthawong, V., Kurisu, F. and Furumai, H. (2020) Molecular-level Comparison of Dissolved Organic Matter in 11 Major Lakes in Japan by Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry. Water Supply 20(4): 1271-1280.
Hata, A., Furumai, H., Katayama, H. (2020) Sequential treatment using a hydrophobic resin and gel filtration to improve viral gene quantification from highly complex environmental concentrates. Water Research, 174.
Rahmatika, I., Kasuga, I., Kurisu, F. and Furumai, H. (2020) Impacts of organic matter migrating from pipe materials on microbial regrowth in drinking water. Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 18(1), 45-53.
▲Recent Publications / ▲Page Top
Torii, Shotaro, Hashimoto, Takashi, An Thuan Do, Furumai, Hiroaki, Katayama, Hiroyuki (2019) Repeated pressurization as a potential cause of deterioration in virus removal by aged reverse osmosis membrane used in households, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 695.
渋尾 欣弘, 呉 連慧, 田島 芳満, 山崎 大, 佐貫 宏, 古米 弘明 (2019) 管渠水位の事前計算データバンクを用いたデータ同化による浸水解析の精度向上とポンプ操作の感度分析, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 75(2), I_199-I_204.
Kumar, Manish, Ram, Bhagwana, Honda, Ryo, Poopipattana, Chomphunut, Vu Duc Canh, Chaminda, Tushara, Furumai, Hiroaki (2019) Concurrence of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB), viruses, pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in ambient waters of Guwahati, India: Urban vulnerability and resilience perspective, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 693.
Wu L., Y. Tajima, D. Yamazaki, Y. Shibuo, H. Sanuki, and H. Furumai (2019) Development of Real-time Assimilation Model for Prediction of Inundation on Urbanized Coastal Lowland, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts, pp.1343-1349.
Vu Duc Canh, Furumai, Hiroaki, Katayama, Hiroyuki (2019) Removal of pepper mild mottle virus by full-scale microfiltration and slow sand filtration plants, npj Clean Water, 2(1), 1-7.
Phungsai, Phanwatt, Kurisu, Futoshi, Kasuga, Ikuro, Furumai, Hiroaki (2019) Molecular characteristics of dissolved organic matter transformed by O3 and O3/H2O2 treatments and the effects on formation of unknown disinfection by-products, WATER RESEARCH, 159, pp.214-222.
Khanal, Rajendra, Furumai, Hiroaki, Nakajima, Fumiyuki, Yoshimura, Chihiro (2019) Impact of holding time on toxicity change of urban road dust during runoff process, SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 668, pp.1267-1276.
Torii, Shotaro, Hashimoto, Takashi, An Thuan Do, Furumai, Hiroaki, Katayama, Hiroyuki (2019) Impact of repeated pressurization on virus removal by reverse osmosis membranes for household water treatment, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-WATER RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY, 5(5), pp.910-919.
李 星愛, 渋尾 欣弘, 古米 弘明 (2019) 鶴見川流域のポンプ排水区における下水道管渠内水位と電気伝導度の変動特性, 土木学会論文集G(環境), 75(2), pp.55-64.
Vu Duc Canh, Kasuga, Ikuro, Furumai, Hiroaki, Katayama, Hiroyuki (2019) Viability RT-qPCR Combined with Sodium Deoxycholate Pre-treatment for Selective Quantification of Infectious Viruses in Drinking Water Samples, FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL VIROLOGY, 11(1), pp.40-51.
Mohammad Mosleh Uddin, Futoshi Kurisu, Ikuro Kasuga, Hiroaki Furumai, S. M. Atiqul Islam (2019) Potential of biological arsenite oxidation in sand filtration units at arsenic–iron removal plants (AIRPs) in Bangladesh, Applied Water Science, 9(48), pp.2-7.
Niu, Jia, Kasuga, Ikuro, Kurisu, Futoshi, Furumai, Hiroaki (2019) Growth competition between ammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria for ammonium and urea in a biological activated carbon filter used for drinking water treatment, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-WATER RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY, 5(2), pp.231-238.
Vitharuch Yuthawong, Ikuro Kasuga, Futoshi Kurisu and Hiroaki Furumai (2019) Molecular-level changes in dissolved organic matter compositions of Lake Inba water by KMnO4 oxidation assessed by Orbitrap mass spectrometry, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 17(1), pp.27-39.
Vu Duc Canh, Osawa, Hideki, Inoue, Kentaro, Kasuga, Ikuro, Takizawa, Satoshi, Furumai, Hiroaki, Katayama, Hiroyuki (2019) Ferrihydrite treatment to mitigate inhibition of RT-qPCR virus detection from large-volume environmental water samples, JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS, 263, pp.60-67.
Before 2018| ▲Recent Publications / ▲Page Top
Yoshihiro Shibuo and Hiroaki Furumai (2021) Advances in Urban Stormwater Management in Japan: A Review, Journal of Disaster Research, 16(3), pp.310-320.
古米弘明 (2021) 未来型の都市浸水リスク管理に向けて, 水循環:貯留と浸透, 119, pp.3-7.
古米弘明 (2017) 気候変動に適応した調和型都市圏水利用システムの開発 (特集 気候変動と水), 用水と廃水, 59(1), pp.58-67.
古米弘明 (2015) 海外における雨水管理の動向と今後の方向性 (特集 流域の雨水管理に係る最近の海外動向), 水循環:貯留と浸透, 97, pp.5-10.
古米弘明 (2014) 放射性物質の環境動態に関する知見整理とその活用, 公衆衛生, 78(8), pp.541-546.
古米弘明 (2010) 都市域における雨水の質的管理と今後の課題 (特集 雨水貯留浸透施設の水質改善機能), 水循環:貯留と浸透, 75, pp.6-10.