News & Topics

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[Press Release] Evaluating survey techniques in wastewater-based epidemiology for accurate COVID-19 incidence estimation (Project Prof. Kitajima)

Project Prof. Masaaki Kitajima (International Wastewater-based Epidemiology), Prof. Michio Murakami of Osaka University and others analyzed the survey methods for wastewater surveillance necessary to understand the status of COVID-19 infection in regions, and clarified appropriate survey method criteria.

- Press Release from Osaka University
- Press Release from Center for Infectious Disease Education and Research (CiDER), Osaka University
(in Japanese)
[Media] Introduced as a partner on the latest science news portal (Project Prof. Kitajima)

Project Prof. Masaaki Kitajima (International Wastewater-based Epidemiology) has been introduced as a partner on the INNOVATION NEWSNETWORK, a portal site that posts the latest scientific news from around the world.
Tracking viral disease dynamics through wastewater-based epidemiology

From now on, articles about Project Prof. Kitajima will be published as news on this site. Also, Past articles are also posted on the same page.
[Cooperated event] Hydrosphere Science Seminar #18 (Dr. Hashimoto, RECWET)

#18 of Hydrosphere Science Seminar, which RECWET also collaborate to co-sponsor, was given by Assoc. Prof. Takashi Hashimoto (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development Division) from 15:00, 7th October (Mon).

Lecture title
Ensuring Safe Potable Water Supply with Membrane Filtration: Aging Mechanisms and Monitoring Strategies

Agreement concluded to promote collaboration between Institute for Aqua Regeneration, Shinshu University and School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo

On 1st October 2024, Institute for Aqua Regeneration, Shinshu University and School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo concluded an agreement and held a signing ceremony to promote collaboration.
Press Release has been issued from the School of Engineering (in Japanese)

RECWET is in charge. Director Satoshi Takizawa, Deputy Director Takashi Kato and Prof. Hiroyuki Katayama attended the signing ceremony.
[Lecture] Invited speech at SpringX "Cho" School/YouTube Live (Project Prof. Kitajima)

Project Prof. Masaaki Kitajima (International Wastewater-based Epidemiology) gave a lecture held simultaneously at the venue and online on Sep 17. YouTube Live is available. (in Japanese)

Knowledge Capital "Cho" School
A course that enriches “life” and “lifestyle” by considering with evidence, season2
Part 3 Wastewater-based Epidemiology - Cutting-edge knowledge for the Osaka/Kansai Expo -
(Translation of the event name, not official)

[Lecture] Keynote speech and Special lecture in Taipei (Project Prof. Kitajima)

Project Prof. Masaaki Kitajima (International Wastewater-based Epidemiology) gave a keynote speech at ASME 2024 being held at National Taiwan University, and also gave a special lecture at the same university.

Title: Technological advancement and social implementation of wastewater-based epidemiology: experience in Japan
●2024 The 14th Asian Symposium of Microbial Ecology (ASME 2024), 18-20 September, National Taiwan University, Taipei.
●Special lecture, 19 September, Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei.
[Publication] Paper on data standardization method for wasterwater surveillance (Project Prof. Kitajima)

The following paper by Project Prof. Masaaki Kitajima (International Wastewater-based Epidemiology) et al. was published by Sci. Total Environ. (Printed version is published on Nov 25).

N. Endo, A. Hisahara, Y. Kameda, K. Mochizuki, M. Kitajima, M. Yasojima, ... & H. Tanaka (2024) Enabling quantitative comparison of wastewater surveillance data across methods through data standardization without method standardization, Science of The Total Environment, 953, 176073.
[Event] Special Seminar Series #62 (Distinguished Prof. Bryan Brooks/Lecture)

Distinguished Prof. Bryan Brookes of Baylor University, who is the Editor-in-Chief of one of the ACS Publications journals, would like to exchange opinions with researchers in the field of environmental science in Japan. Then he visited UTokyo and gave a lecture in the afternoon on September 10th. Additionally, Dr. Takanori Komatsu of ACS Publications, who accompanied the professor, gave a presentation about the publisher's journals.
This lecture was particularly useful for those working in the field of environmental toxicology and risk assessment, as well as anyone interested in publishing in ES&T Letters or related journals. Seminar details

[Media] Interview articles (Prof. Takizawa)

As Prof. Satoshi Takizawa (International Water Environment Division) is knowledgeable about waterworks projects, facilities, and administration, he is often asked for interviews and has been featured in newspapers as shown below (in Japanese).

Asahi Shimbun, Sep 1, Earthquake resistance rate of water treatment plants
Tokyo Shimbun, Jul 1, Interview with Prof. Takizawa about delays in earthquake-proofing water supplies
Suidou news, May 13, Sustainability and evolution of water and sewage business
NHK NEWS, Apr 24, Increases in water charges in 20 years
[Publication] Papers by 5th term JICA program students (Prof. Takizawa et al.)

The following 3 papers by students were issued. Their supervisers are Prof. Satoshi Takizawa, Project Asst Prof. Benyapa Sawangjang and Assoc. Prof. Shinobu Kazama of JICA Water Engineering and Utility Management for Future Leaders program.

● Mr. Ankit (M2) Aug 29:
Improvement of Removal Rates for Iron and Manganese in Groundwater Using Dual-Media Filters Filled with Manganese-Oxide-Coated Sand and Ceramic in Nepal, Water, 16(17), 2450.
● Ms. Masayu (M2) Aug 18:
Filling Discrepancies between Consumer Perception and Actual Piped Water Quality to Promote the Potable Use of the Municipal Water Supply in Indonesia, Sustainability, 16(16), 7082.
● Mr. Saiful (M2) Aug 12:
Causes and Effects of Scale Deposition in Water Supply Pipelines in Surakarta City, Indonesia, Water, 16(16), 2275.
[Event] SEAWE-14 the latest information

By the August 14th deadline, we had received well over 100 abstracts. With travel support provided by conference grants adopted by two domestic institutions, selected young researchers who submitted excellent abstracts can present without any problems even if they are from developing countries. Providing opportunities for research presentations within the region, we believe that we can contribute to strengthening the research network.

The keynote speakers include;
- Dato' Seri Prof. Ir. Dr. Zaini Bin Ujang (former professor at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia), who specializes in water environment and is currently the Secretary General of the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education
- Ir. Khor Bee Chin, a senior manager at a Malaysian state-owned wastewater and sanitation company
- Prof. Satoshi Takizawa, director of RECWET

Please visit the event website, which also includes travel and accommodation information.

[Media] Interview and commentary articles in Jul and Aug (Project Prof. Kitajima)

An interview article with Project Prof. Masaaki Kitajima (International Wastewater-based Epidemiology) and his 2 commentary articles were published as follows:

The Hokkaido Shimbun (Aug 14, interview)
The Environmental News (Jul 24, full page commentary)
Journal of Sewerage, Monthly (Aug issue, Commentary published in new series on WBE)
(in Japanese)
[Event] Special Seminar Series #61 (Prof. Hadas Mamane/Lecture)

Prof. Hadas Mamane of Tel-Aviv University is researching and developing decentralized water treatment technology utilizing UV light-emitting diodes that is effective in providing safe water in low-income and remote areas. She gave a lecture based on her case study conducted in Uganda and India. Seminar details

[Lecture] Keynote speech at a lecture on wastewater surveillance (Prof. Kitajima)

Project Prof. Masaaki Kitajima gave a keynote speech at the Japan WasteWater Surveillance Association's 3rd Lecture: "Utilization of Wastewater Surveillance and its nationwaide expansion in a Post-Corona Society" (August 2nd, 9F, East Bldg, TFT Building near Tokyo Big Sight).

The lecture video has been released. Please take a look. (in Japanese)
[Publication] Paper on antimicrobial resistance genes (Drs. Liu & Kasuga)

The following paper by Project Asst. Prof. Liu Miaomiao and Project Assoc. Prof. Ikuro Kasuga (International Wastewater-based Epidemiology) was published by Sci. Total Environ. (Printed version is published on Nov 1).

Miaomiao Liu and Ikuro Kasuga (2024) Impact of chlorine disinfection on intracellular and extracellular antimicrobial resistance genes in wastewater treatment and water reclamation, Science of The Total Environment, 949, 175046.
[Event] Special Seminar Series #60 (Prof. Joana Portugal Pereira/Lecture)

Prof. Joana Portugal Pereira, author of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) Working Group 3 (WG3/Mitigation of Climate Change) report, gave a special lecture on the afternoon of July 23rd. Seminar details

[Lecture] Plenary lecture at ILCC 2024 (Prof. Kato) Prof. Takashi Kato (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development Division) gave a Plenary lecture "Advanced Functional Liquid-Crystalline Materials" at the 29th International Liquid Crystal Conference (ILCC 2024) being held in Rio de Janeiro from July 21 to 26.
[Conference] Oral presentation at WET2024 (Dr. Burzio)

Project Researcher Cecilia Burzio gave an oral and poster presentation at Water and Environment Technology Conference 2024 (WET2024) (July 20-21, Okayama University). She also participated in Networking Dinner held the day before by the young researchers organization Japan-YWP, and had the opportunity to exchange information and interact with various people regarding water issues.

Cecilia Burzio, Yoshihiko KAWAGUCHI, Koji KOSAKA, Kazuhiro KOMATSU, Takashi HASHIMOTO, "Rapid Detection of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Pesticides in River Water Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy"
[Publication] Paper based on joint research with Beijing Normal University et al (Prof. Takizawa)

A paper about fouling behavior of BTEX presenting in petrochemical wastewater has been published in a joint research by Prof. Yu Yang of Beijing Normal University, Prof. Satoshi Takizawa (International Water Environment Division) and others.

K. Gao, Y. Yang, A. Li, J. Pu, S. Takizawa, N.J.D. Graham, L. Hou (2024) Fouling behavior of BTEX in petrochemical wastewater treated by nanofiltration (NF), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 476, 135185.
[Publication] Paper on non-target screening (Prof. Kurisu, Dr. Kasuga)

The following paper by Prof. Futoshi Kurisu (Water System Management), Project Assoc. Prof. Ikuro Kasuga (International Wastewater-based Epidemiology) et al. was published by Sci. Total Environ. (Printed version is published on Oct 15).

Aishwarya Pandey, Ikuro Kasuga, Hiroaki Furumai, Futoshi Kurisu (2024) Non-target liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry screening to prioritize unregulated micropollutants that persist through domestic wastewater treatment, Science of The Total Environment, 947, 174486.
[Media] Newspaper interview articles in June and July (Project Prof. Kitajima)

Interview articles with Project Prof. Masaaki Kitajima have been published in multiple media.
The contents include the fact that Wastewater-based Epidemiology is attracting attention due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the increase in inbound tourists, start of wastewater surveillance at international airports, cost effectiveness of the surveillance, future direction of the research and so on.

Asahi Shimbun (July 12)
Nikkei Biotechnology & Business (July 11)
Tokyo Shimbun (June 16)
(in Japanese)
[Event] Symposium on Wastewater & Environmental Surveillance in Asia (Project Prof. Kitajima, Dr. Liu, Dr. Canh) "Online Symposium on Wastewater and Environmental Surveillance (WES) in Asia" was held, where Project Prof. Masaaki Kitajima and Prof. Sungpyo Kim (Korea University) were the Meeting organizers. Also Project Asst. Prof. Miaomiao Liu and Project Researcher Canh Duc Vu served as secretariat.
There were talks from 8 countries/regions of Asia. Dr. Kitajima presented "Ongoing wastewater surveillance programs in Japan". Symposium outline & Program(PDF)
[Event] Special Seminar Series #59 (Prof. Helen Nguyen/Lecture)

Prof. Helen Nguyen of University of Illinois gave a lecture for research exchange at UTokyo. She has been invited to Tohoku University to develop technologies for monitoring Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs) in the water environment using genome editing technology CRISPR-Cas9. Seminar details

[Publication] Paper on virus adsorption and elution (Profs. Kato, Katayama, Dr. Liu)

The following paper by Prof. Takashi Kato and Hiroyuki Katayama (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development), Dr. Liu Miaomiao et al. was published by RSC Applied Polymers (First published on Apr 2). This is the result of joint research between Dept. Chemistry and Biotechnology and Dept. Urban engineering.

Junya Uchida, Miaomiao Liu, Shizuka Matsuyama, Hiroyuki Katayama and Takashi Kato (2024) Virus adsorption and elution using cationic polymer brushes: potential applications for passive sampling in wastewater-based epidemiology, RSC Applied Polymers, 2(4), pp.670-677.
[Event] Special Seminar Series #58 (Profs. Sheng-Jie YOU & Ya-Fen WANG/Lecture)

Environmental Sceience Center (ESC) and RECWET jointly held a Special Seminar, and two professors from Chung Yuan Christian University in Taiwan gave special lectures. Prof. Sheng-Jie YOU is listed as the World's Top 2% Scientists. Prof. Ya-Fen WANG has held senior positions in the environmental field. Seminar details

[Lecture] Keynote and invited lectures (Project Prof. Kitajima)

Projct Prof. Masaaki Kitajima (International Wastewater-based Epidemiology) gave following keynote lecture and invited lectures.

● Masaaki Kitajima (2024) Wastewater surveillance at international airports to monitor imported infectious diseases: a proof-of-concept study in Japan, NSF Research Coordination Network Webinar Series #37, June 7, Online.
● Masaaki Kitajima (2024) Wastewater-based Epidemiology [Keynote], International Young Researchers' Conference 2024, June 8, UTokyo
● Masaaki Kitajima (2024) Wastewater & Environmental Surveillance for Public Health Action in Asia [Keynote Panel], PREPARE-TF READl: Developing a Regional Agenda for Wastewater & Environmental Surveillance and Research for Epidemics and Pandemics, June 24-28, PARKROYAL on Beach Road, Singapore.
● (予定) 北島正章 (2024) 札幌市における下水疫学調査に資する下水中ウイルス高感度検出技術, 第35回北海道輸血シンポジウム(PDF), Jul 20, 日本赤十字社北海道ブロック血液センター, 札幌.
[Press Release] Willingness to pay for nationwide wastewater surveillance system for infectious diseases in Japan (Project Prof. Kitajima)

School of Engineering has issued a press release regarding research conducted by Project Professor Masaaki Kitajima (International Wastewater-based Epidemiology) with Waseda University, Keio University, Technische Universität München, and others.

[Cooperated event] Hydrosphere Science Seminar #17 (Australian meteorologist)

#17 of Hydrosphere Science Seminar, which RECWET also collaborate to co-sponsor, will be given by Prof. Gab Abramowitz (University of New South Wales, Australia) and(Cancelled) Dr. Fitsum Woldemeskel (Bureau of Meteorology, Australia) from 15:00, 2nd July (Tue). Please register here and join us!

[Conference] Invited panelist at 2024 ACUNS Annual Meeting (Dr. Burzio)

At the conference below, Dr. Cecilia Burzio was invited to participate in a roundtable session on water, energy, and food as a panelist.

● Conference:2024 ACUNS Annual Meeting (June 20-22)
"Global Governance and Sustainable Development:Revitalizing Research to Support Multilateral Solutions"
● Co-hosted at:United Nations University, Tokyo and University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus
Roundtable(PDF):"Empowering Youth for Sustainable Futures: Exploring the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus" (June 22)
[Conference] Oral/poster pres. at SIWW 2024 (Project Prof. Kitajima, Dr. Liu, Dr. Canh)

The members of International Wastewater-based Epidemiology gave oral/poster presentations at Singapore International Water Week 2024 (SIWW 2024) (June 18-22, Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore) as follows:

M. Kitajima and H. Ando:
"Tracking the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on other viral diseases through wastewater-based retrospective epidemiological surveillance"
● T. Takeda, M. Kitajima, E. Haramoto et al.:
"Towards a regional framework for wastewater-based epidemiology"
V. D. Canh, H. Katayama et al.:
"Low-Cost Virus Concentration Method for Wastewater-Based Epidemiology"
M. Liu, V. D. Canh, H. Katayama et al. (Dr. Canh was the presenter):
"Viral indicators for combined sewer overflow (CSO) pollution based on capsid integrity quantitative PCR"
[Event] The 14th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment RECWET has been holding SEAWE series, one of our major events, in various Southeast Asian countries in collaboration with other Southeast Asian countries. The 14th SEAWE will be held for the first time in Malaysia (3-5 December 2024).
This conference focuses on the water environment in the Southeast Asian region. The purpose is to provides an opportunity for researchers active in the region and those conducting research that contributes to the local enveironment to gather and present and discuss their research results. We particularly aim to foster networks among young researchers.
We are now accepting abstracts for oral presentations. Please visit the event website.
[Event] Major conferences that members are involved

The following academic conferences are managed and prepared by RECWET faculty and researchers.

14th CSJ Chemistry Festa 2024 (Oct 22-24@Tokyo)
 Prof. Kato1 : Conference Chair
29th International Liquid Crystal Conference(ILCC 2024) (Jul 21-26@Rio de Janeiro)
 Prof. Kato : International Advisory Board
Singapore International Water Week 2024(SIWW) (Jun 18-22@Singpore)
 Prof. Katayama1,3 : Water Convention Theme 5 (Water quality and one health) Programme Committee
The 13th IWA Micropol and Ecohazard Conference (Jun 16-20@Taipei)
 Prof. Kurisu2 : Organizing Committee, Prof. Kurisu & Project Assoc. Prof. Kasuga3 : Programme Committee
8th International Society for Food and Environmental Virology Conference(ISFEV) (Jun 9-14@Tokyo)
 Prof. Katayama: Chair of Organizing committee
International Young Researchers' Conference(IYRC Spring 2024) (Jun 8@UTokyo)
 Dr. Vu Duc Canh3: IYRC Coordinator

1 Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development, 2 Water System Management, 3 International Wastewater-based Epidemiology
[Lecture] Invited lectures in May-Jun (Prof. Kurisu)

Prof. Fustoshi kurisu (Water System Management Division) gave following invited lectures.

● Kurisu, F., Ota, M., Shinfuku, Y., Kasuga, I., Suzuki, Y. and Kameya, T. (2024) Risk Evaluation by Target Screening of the Compounds on the Emerging Contaminants List in Water Environment in Japan. The 13th IWA Micropol and Ecohazard Conference, Jun 17, Taipei, Taiwan.
● 栗栖太 (2024) 複雑系である環境微生物と有機物の理解と制御, 中国地区5校合同環境セミナー, May 11, 広島市国際青年会館(アステールプラザ).
[Award] Best Research Award at 8th ISFEV Conference (Project Prof. Kitajima) At the 8th International Society for Food and Environmental Virology Conference, a research group led by Asst. Prof. Shotaro Torii (Collaborative Member) and Project Prof. Masaaki Kitajima (International Wastewater-based Epidemiology) received the Best Research Award (PDF).
[Conference] Oral pres. at 8th ISFEV (Project Prof. Kitajima, Dr. Liu, Dr. Canh)

The members of International Wastewater-based Epidemiology gave oral presentations at 8th International Society for Food and Environmental Virology (ISFEV) Conference (June 9-14, Shimadzu Tokyo Innovation Plaza, Kawasaki) as follows:

● N. K. Lahil. C. Rupasinghe, V. D. Canh, H. Katayama et al. (Dr. Canh was the presenter):
"Influence of operating state on reduction of viruses from a pilot scale ultrafiltration system for potable water reuse"
V. D. Canh, H. Katayama et al.:
"Development of virus concentration method using moringa oleifera extract"
M. Liu, T. Kato, and H. Katayama et al.:
"Passive Sampling Materials: Surface-Modified Cotton Gauze to Better Adsorb Viruses from Water"
● S. Torii, M. Kitajima, E. Haramoto et al.:
"Relative occurrence and reduction of waterborne viruses, tobamoviruses, crAssphage, polyomaviruses, and protozoa at wastewater treatment plants determined by high-throughput quantitative PCR"
● S. Raya, M. Kitajima, E. Haramoto et al.:
"Surveillance of hepatitis A virus in Asian countries using wastewater-based epidemiology"
[Publication] Papers through international joint research (Project Prof. Kitajima)

Two papers by Project Professor Masaaki Kitajima (International Wastewater-based Epidemiology) have been published through international joint researches.

● Research with the University of Helsinki (Tiwari, Kitajima et al., Jun 13)
● Research with Waseda University, Keio University, Technische Universität München, etc. (Yoo, Kitajima, Himmler et al., May 30)
[Publication] Paper based on joint research with Beijing Normal University et al (Prof. Takizawa)

A paper about nanofiltration membrane has been published online in a joint research by Prof. Yu Yang of Beijing Normal University, Prof. Satoshi Takizawa (International Water Environment Division) and others. The printed version is scheduled to be published on 1 January 2025.

Y. Zhang, Y. Yang, S. Takizawa, K. Kuroda, Z. Jia, P. Liu, H. Wei, N.J.D. Graham (2025) Development of a composite MoS2/PEI nanofiltration membrane for radionuclides efficient removal from aquatic environments, Separation and Purification Technology, 352, 128246.
[Press Release] Establishment of International Wastewater-based Epidemiology Laboratory

The School of Engineering, Shimadzu Corporation, and Shionogi & Co., Ltd. have established the "International Wastewater-based Epidemiology" Corporate Sponsored Research Program within RECWET.

The establishment announcement was held at UTokyo on June 5th, and press releases were issued today by the School of Engineering, Shimadzu Corporation, and Shionogi & Co., Ltd.
Press Release from the School of Engineering (Japanese only)
Image: from the School of Engineering website

[Event] Special Seminar Series #57 (Profs. Jianying HU & Min YANG/Lecture)

Prof. Min Yang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Prof. Jianying Hu of Peking University gave lectures on June 6. Both of them published nearly 300 papers so far and are highly renowned. Seminar details

[Publication] International joint research paper (Prof. Syutsubo)

Prof. Kazuaki Syutsubo (International Water Environment Division) has been conducting joint research with the Universiti Malaya, Malaysia, and their paper on the performance evaluation of a nitrogen-polluted raw water treatment system was published in the Chemosphere.

J. X. Loi, K. Syutsubo, M. F. Rabuni, Y. Takemura, M. Aoki, A. S. M. Chua (2024) Downflow sponge biofilm reactors for polluted raw water treatment: Performance optimisation, kinetics, and microbial community, Chemosphere, 358, 142156.
[Award] 5th Japan Research Front Award (Project Prof. Kitajima)

Project Professor Masaaki Kitajima (International Wastewater-based Epidemiology Program) received 5th Japan Research Front Award. He was selected as a researcher affiliated with a world-leading Japanese research institution in a cutting-edge research field that is expected to achieve significant advancements in the future.

For more information, including a message from Project Prof. Kitajima, please visit the School of Engineering website.
Image: from the School of Engineering website

[Cooperated event] Hydrosphere Science Seminar #16 (Prof. Shimozono/Lecture)

#16 of Hydrosphere Science Seminar, which RECWET also collaborate to co-sponsor, will be given by Prof. Takenori Shimozono (Dpt. Civil, UTokyo) from 15:00, 3th June (Mon). Please register here and join us!

[Publication] Paper publication (Prof. Kurisu and Kasuga)

A paper on the development of screening analysis for 'items to be surveyed' in the water environment by Prof. Futoshi Kurisu (Water System Management Division) and Project Assoc. Prof. Ikuro Kasuga (International Wastewater-based Epidemiology) has been published in Environmental Pollution.

Maho OTA, Ikuro KASUGA, Futoshi KURISU (2024) Sensitivity and Quantitativeness of Large-Volume Injection Combined with Liquid Chromatography/High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Target Screening Analysis of Emerging Contaminants, Environmental Pollution, 355, 124180.
[Publication] Research achievements in FY 2019-2023 The research achievements of our 4th term (FY 2019-2023) have been compiled and posted on the website.
[Publication] Paper on virus removal (Prof. Katayama)

The following paper by Prof. Hiroyuki Katayama (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development) et al. was published by Sep. Purif. Technol. (Printed version is published on Dec 18).

Midori Yasui, Xunhao Wang, Volodymyr V. Tarabara, Hiroyuki Katayama (2024) Virus removal by microfiltration: Effects of electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions, Separation and Purification Technology, 350, 127902.
[Event] Special Seminar Series #56 (Dr. Oksana Golovko/Lecture)

Dr. Oksana Golovko from Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences gave a special lecture on chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) such as pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and PFAS.

Various chemicals derived from PPCPs are leaked into the aquatic environment through wastewater treatment, raising concerns about their negative impact on ecological systems. This lecture discussed the sources, presence, and impact of CECs from wastewater to surface water, sediments, and even plants and animals.
[Cooperated event] Hydrosphere Science Seminar #15 (two lecturers from UK)

#15 of Hydrosphere Science Seminar, which RECWET also collaborate to co-sponsor, will be given by Dr. Hannah Clock OBE (Professor of Hydrology, Univ. of Reading, UK) and Dr. Florian Pappenberger (Director of Forecasts, ECMWF) from 15:00, 13th May (Mon). Please register here and join us!

[Lecture] Chiang Mai University - UTokyo symposium (Prof. Takizawa, Katayama, Hashimoto)

The Faculty of Engineering at Chiang Mai University(CMU), in collaboration with the Department of Urban Engineering at the School of Engineering and the Center for Spatial Information Science at the University of Tokyo(UT), Japan, held "CMU-UT Symposium on Urban Engineering and Informatics 2024" at CMU from April 24 to 26. There, Profs. Satoshi Takizawa, Hiroyuki Katayama and Takashi Hashimoto each gave invited lectures.

● Satoshi Takizawa and Benyapa Sawangjang: Fluoride Adsorption on Natural Oraganic Materials - Health Effects and Potential for Fluoride Removal
● Hiroyuki Katayama: Wastewater-based Epidemiology: Sewer can serve as information source on how infectious disease are spreading in the community
● Takashi Hashimoto: Sustainable Safe Drinking Water Supply with Membrane Filtration Technology

photo: from the website of the Facaulty of Engineering, CMU
[Event updates] 8th ISFEV Conference (Prof. Katayama) Registration is now being accepted for the 8th ISFEV Conference with Prof. Hiroyuki Katayama (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development Division) as the chair. It will be held in Tokyo from June 9th to 14th 2014 by International Society for Food and Environmental Virology. Details of optional tours are also available. Please take a look.
[Cooperated event] Hydrosphere Science Seminar #14 (Prof. Asit K. Biswas/Lecture)

Led by Assoc. Prof. Dai Yamazaki (IIS/RECWET Collaborative member), Hydrosphere Environment Group (Dpt. Civil) has been holding monthly public online lectures Hydrosphere Science Seminar since FY 2023. RECWET also collaborates to co-sponsor the seminars, as research on basin water environment management by the Water System Management Division.

The seminar #14 will be given by the 2006 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate, Prof. Asit K. Biswas (Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Glasgow) from 15:30 April 25th (Thur). Please register here and join us!

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