News & Topics

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[Publication] A paper by a JICA program student (Prof.Takizawa et al.) A paper by graduate student Shekhar Khanal, Dr. Shinobu Kazama, Dr. Benyapa Sawangjang and Prof. Satoshi Takizawa (JICA Water Engineering and Utility Management for Future Leaders) has been published. It belongs to the Special Issue in collaboration with SEAWE-13.
[Event] Special Seminar Series #50 (Prof. Chia-Ling Chang/Lecture) Prof. Chia-Ling (Charlene) Chang of Feng Chia University, Taiwan gave a special lecture. She specializes in water environment planning and management. RECWET has accepted her as a visiting researcher (acceptance period: February to August 2023).
[Event] Special Seminar Series #49 (Dr. Jinxia Liu/Lecture) Assoc. Prof. Jinxia Liu of McGill University, Canada, who specializes in research on PFAS, gave a special lecture. She talked about PFAS (a general term for organic fluorine compounds), whose usage is becoming regulated worldwide, including examples from Canada and the United States.
[Event] Wenzhou University & UTokyo Exchange Symposium (Prof.Katayama)

Prof. Hiroyuki Katayama (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development Division) attended an exchange symposium held at Wenzhou University. RECWET and The College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Wenzhou University, China have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for research collaboration.

[Lecture] Invited lecture at an international conference (Prof. Syutsubo) Prof. Kazuaki Syutsubo (Interntional Water Environment Division) participated in "the 22nd National Environmental Conference and 12th International Conference on Environmental Engineering, Science and Management" (Pattaya Thailand, May 17-18), hosted by the Environmental Engineering Association of Thailand. He gave an invited lecture at the special lecture session, titled "Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Technology and case study in Japan".
[Publications] Paper on reclaimed water (Prof. Katayama) A paper on reclaimed water by Midori Yasui (D3, at that time), Prof. Hiroyuki Katayama and others has been published by Water Science & Technology.
[Publications] Recent papers by Prof. Syutsubo ● Paper about sulfide removal published in Water Science & Technology (Onodera, Syutsubo et al.)
● Paper about TMAH degradation published in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Iguchi, Syutsubo et al.)
● Paper about quantification of bacterial pathogens published in ACS ES&T Water (Matsuura, Syutsubo et al.)
Executive committee at upcoming international conferences (Profs. Takizawa, Kato, Katayama, Kurisu)

Prof. Hiroyuki Katayama:Program Committee, IWA 21st Symposium on Health-related Water Microbiology (WaterMicro23), Darwin, Jun 2023

Prof. Takashi Kato:Executive Committee, Grand Meeting MRM2023/IUMRS-ICA2023, Kyoto, Oct 2023

Prof. Satoshi Takizawa:Chairs and Scientific Programme Committee, 8th IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter (NOM8), South Africa, Dec 2023

Prof. Futoshi Kurisu:Organizing Committee and Programme Committee, 13th IWA Micropol and Ecohazard Conference, Taipei, Jun 2024

[Publication] Recent papers by Prof. Kurisu ● Evaluated the removal status at the treatment plant, the concentration in the treated water, and the ecological risk of emerging contaminants discharged into rivers (Pandey, Kurisu et al.)
● Joint research with Thailand on changes in organic matter during coagulation/sedimentation and chlorine disinfection of water treatment (Prasert, Kurisu et al.)
● Detected unregulated pollutants in the Kiso Three Rivers using target screening analysis (Ogawa, Kurisu et al. Joint research with Gifu University etc, written in Japanese)
● Investigated regrowth of microorganisms and antimicrobial resistance in drinking water (Nguyen, Kurisu, Kasuga et al. Joint research with Dr. Kasuga, RECWET collaborative member)
[Event] Special Seminar Series #48 (Prof. Morteza Abbaszadegan/Lecture) Prof. Morteza Abbaszadegan of Arizona State University, who is famous for health-related microbiology including virus control, gave a special lecture.
He is a Professor of "School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment", a Senior Global Futures Scientist of Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory, and the Director of NSF Water and Environmental Technology Center.
[Lecture] Invited lecture at SPERC, Iwate University (Prof. Kurisu) Prof. Futoshi Kurisu (Water System Management Division) gave an invited lecture on March 10 at the Soft-Path Science and Engineering Research Center, Iwater University.
Title: "Risk-based screening for unregulated organic pollutants in water environments" (in Japanese)
[Lecture] Invited lecture at ISBEC 2023 (Dr. Tiraferri) Tokyo College Professor Alberto Tiraferri, who conducts research at RECWET, gave a keynote lecture at the international symposium ISBEC 2023 held at the University of Tsukuba on March 10. (see Program page)
Title: Water Recovery in Water-intensive Energy Production Processes: Two Case Studies
[Publication] Special issue on JWET (Dr. Hashimoto) Assoc. Prof. Takashi Hashimoto (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development Division) summarized the application and challenges of machine learning in water supply, sewerage, water environment, and membrane filtration in the special issue "Utilization of Machine Learning in the Field of Water Environment" over 7 pages.
[Lecture] Invited lecture at the 16th JUCST symposium (Prof. Kato) The 16th Japan Union of Chemical Science and Technology Symposium "Expectations for Chemistry in the Corona Age" was held online on the afternoon of March 7th. Prof. Takashi Kato (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development Division) introduced cutting-edge research "Nanostructure membranes that remove viruses with high efficiency" and discussed the role of chemistry with other speakers. (in Japanese)
[Personnel] Acceptance of Dr. Alberto Tiraferri RECWET has accepted Associate Professor Alberto Tiraferri of Politecnico di Torino (Tokyo College Professor) for the research activity. His visit to Japan is part of the Tokyo College's "Inviting distinguished researchers" program. His stay will be 1 March to 31 August.
Profile (Tokyo College) Profile (affiliation)
[Event] Special Seminar Series #47 (Prof. Xinmin Zhan/Lecture) Prof. Xinmin Zhan, Head of Discipline of Civil Engineering at University of Galway, Ireland, gave a special lecture in the morning of Feb 24. He has made many achievements in research on biological treatment of wastewater and waste. After the 1 hour lecture, a lively question-and-answer session was held. Details
[Event] FY2022 2nd RECWET Steering Committee The RECWET Steering Committee meeting was held. We reported on the FY2022 budget execution, the activities of the center and each division, etc., and received deliberation and approval. The Committee expressed their expectations for our future activities.
[Personnel] Acceptance of Prof. Chang as a visiting researcher RECWET has accepted Prof. Chia-Ling Chang of Feng Chia University, Taiwan as a visiting researcher. Her specialty is water environment management, and she is going to stay from mid-February to mid-August.
[Publication] Paper about UV light-emitting diodes for water treatment (Prof. Takizawa) An article written by graduate student Jack Jia Xin Song, Dr. Kumiko Oguma and Prof. Satoshi Takizawa on UV-LED inactivation of non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) has been published in Scientific Reports.
[Award] Presentation Award at SEAWE-13 (Dr. Tippawan) A RECWET project researcher Dr. Tippawan Shinghopon received "Award for Asian Young Professional on Water Research" at the 13th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment (SEAWE-13).
[Lecture] Plenary presentation at the international conference PPC17 (Prof. Kato) Prof. Takashi Kato (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development Division) gave a plenary lecture at the 17th Pacific Polymer Conference (PPC17) held in Brisbane, Australia from 11th to 14th December.
Title: "Liquid-Crystalline Polymers: Molecular Technology for New Functionalization of Ordered Soft Materials"
[SEAWE-13] The international symposium started today! Today, SEAWE-13 opened at Asian Institute of Technology. From UTokyo, a total of 17 people, including RECWET members, are participating.
[Publication] Detergent decomposition in sewage pipe purification (Prof. Kurisu etc.) Prof. Futoshi Kurisu and Dr. Yuta Shinfuku (Water System Management Division) participated in Prof. Hiroyasu Satoh (Graduate School of Frontier Sciences)'s resaerch and an original article has been published by the Journal of Water and Environment Technology. This is about an evaluation of the effects of detergents on the purification function in sewage pipes, focusing on their components.
[Publication] A paper from Bioresource Technology Reports (Prof. Syutsubo) Prof. Kazuaki Syutsubo (International Water Environment Division) has published a paper on the development of a gas stripping reactor that can avoid sulfide inhibition in the methane fermentation treatment of sulfate-containing wastewater in collaboration with the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan.
[Lecture] Keynote at JSCE Environmental Engineering Research Forum (Dr. Hashimoto) Assoc. Prof. Takashi Hashimoto (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development Division) gave a keynote lecture "Healthiness of Membrane Filtration Water Purification System and its Monitoring" (in Japanese) at the peer-reviewed paper "Membrane Treatment" session.
[Conference] The 59th JSCE Environmental Engineering Research Forum Graduate students and a researcher made presentations (Nov 29- Dec 1, Morioka).
● Peer-reviewed papers (English abstract will be availalbe at the end of each PDF file)
- K. Watanabe, T. Hashimoto, H. Katayama
- S. Oka, S. Takizawa et al.
● No peer reviewed presentation
- Y. Uehara, F. Kurisu et al.
- H. Sugawa, F. Kurisu et al.
- Y. Shinfuku, F. Kurisu et al.
[Event] Special Seminar Series #46 (Prof. Benito Marinas/Lecture) Prof. Benito J Marinas of the University of Illinois (Environmental Engineering), who is staying at Kyoto University as a visiting researcher, gave a special lecture on control of viruses in drinking water.
There were around 20 participants from universitires, research institutes and local governments on-site/online. Professor Benito answered many questions from young researchers in detail one by one.  Lecture abstract
[Event] Japan-Germany-Czech Republic Research Collaboration (Supported by RECWET) Sponsored by JST and supported by RECWET, Special seminar of Japan-Germany-Czech Republic International Research Collaboration was held on November 17th. Assoc. Prof. Kumiko Oguma (RECWET collaborative member) is the organizer and the representative of the three-country joint research of a JST SICORP project. Prof. Satoshi Takizawa (RECWET director) also had Greetings and the Program Officer Hiroaki Furumai (former RECWET Prof.) delivered the closing remarks.
[Publication] Paper from Journal of Membrane Science (Prof. Takizawa and Dr. Hashimoto) A paper written by graduate student Dai Yue Tan, Dr. Takashi Hashimoto and Prof. Satoshi Takizawa has been published online from the Journal of Membrane Science (Journal publication on January 15, 2023). The article is about 3D modeling of PVDF membrane aging.
[Publication] A pilot-scale study with Kasetsart University (Prof. Syutsubo) A joint research paper by Prof. Kazuaki Syutsubo (International Water Environment Division) and others with Kasetsart University, Thailand has been published in Journal of Water Process Engineering. Effectiveness of DHS were evaluated as a post-treatment process of existing wastewater treatment system.
[Publication] Impact assessment of terminal treatment plants (Prof. Syutsubo) A technical report paper by Prof. Kazuaki Syutsubo (International Water Environment Division) was published in the November issue, Vol. 64 of Journal of Water and Waste. This project was carried out jointly with Tokushima Prefecture and others.
English title: Evaluation of the impact on water quality of a sewage treatment plant when night soil and johkasou sludge are accepted into the sewage system.
[Event] Special Seminar Series #45 (Dr. Faisal Anwar) A special seminar by Dr. Faisal Anwar, Curtin University, Australia, was jointly held online with Research unit for advanced urban drainage management, Chuo University in the afternoon on November 7.
Seminar abstract
[Event] Presentations of JICA program graduate students (Prof. Takizawa et al.) The program "JICA Water Engineering and Utility Management for Future Leaders", led by Prof. Takizawa (International Water Environment Division) and Dr. Kazama, held an online research presentation on September 26th for 5 graduates of the 3rd term. This presentation was featured in the WaQuAC-NET newsletter No. 55 and an industrial newspaper dated October 31.
[Event] FY2022 1st RECWET Steering Committee The RECWET Steering Committee was held. We reported on the FY2021 financial results, FY2022 budget execution status, the preparation status of the international symposium SEAWE-13, the activity plans of each division, and other matters. Those were discussed and approved. In addition, we received comments from each Steering Committee member.
[Publication] Paper published from Journal of Hazardous Materials (Prof. Takizawa) A paper written by Dr. Benyapa SAWANGJANG and Prof. Satoshi Takizawa has been published online from the Journal of Hazardous Materials (Journal publication on Februrary 5, 2023). The research paper is about fluoride intake from food and drinking water.
[Publication] Papers by JICA program graduate students (Prof. Takizawa et al.) The program "JICA Water Engineering and Utility Management for Future Leaders", led by Prof. Takizawa (International Water Environment Division) and Dr. Kazama, gave all finishing students an opportunity to submit a paper. So far, 4 papers have been published.
Muzaffar Abbas, Kazama and Takizawa
Dina Urfanisa, Kazama and Takizawa
Riza Taftazani, Kazama and Takizawa
Sinat Phea, Kazama and Takizawa
[Personnel] 2022 new IWA board members (Prof. Takizawa) International Water Association (IWA) has appointed Prof. Satoshi Takizawa (Director / International Water Environment Division) as one of the new IWA board members.
[SEAWE-13] Registration and fee payment has started! The form of registration and fee payment of SEAWE-13* has opened. The registration fee is 12,000 JPY. General participants can apply until November 20th (Sun). Feel free to join us.
* The 13th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment is held face-to-face in Bangkok from December 13th (Tue) to 15th (Thu), 2022.
[Publication] An article from Journal of Cleaner Production (Prof. Takizawa, Hashimoto) An article by Mr. Ryusei Hashimoto, a masters graduate, Prof. Satoshi Takizawa et al. was published from Journal of Cleaner Production. This is about usage plan of urban water resources in Myanmar.
[Event] JSWE Symposium is held today and tomorrow The 25th JSWE Symposium@UTokyo has started. From RECWET, Dr. Takashi Hashimoto has contributed to the planning and operation as a member of the executive committee. Prof. Satoshi Takizawa will chair his session (Sep 6 PM) where there will be a presentation from Prof. Kazuaki Syutsubo's research team. Prof. Hiroyuki Katayama is in charge of explaining the session purpose and leading the general discussion in his session (Sep 7 AM)
[Publication] Results of the sewage epidemiological surveys (Prof.Katayama) A research group including Prof. Hiroyuki Katayama (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development Division) elucidated the relationship between the amount of new coronavirus in the sewage of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic/Paralympic Village and the number of positive people. The paper was published in JAMA Network Open (medical journal).
[Publication] Wastewater treatment containing monoethanolamine (Prof. Syutsubo) Prof. Kazuaki Syutsubo (International Water Environment Division) has issued a paper jointly with Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Science, and a few Colleges of National Institute of Technology. This paper concerns the methane fermentation treatment of monoethanolamine, a toxic organic chemical widely used in the electronics industry and found in high concentrations in wastewater.
[Media] Featured on industry magazine's cover (Prof. Kurisu) Prof. Futoshi Kurisu (Water System Management division) was featured on the cover of the August issue of Suidou Koron, and an interview article was published. The article titled "Ask the person on the cover: Achieving water system management for the entire basin." introduces the activities of his division. This industry magazine has been published as a comprehensive water magazine since 1970. In recent years, Prof. Hiroyuki Katayama (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development division) was also featured in the October 2020 issue.
[SEAWE-13] Call for Abstract till Aug 15. Facebook page launched! RECWET and AIT supported by NIES are holding SEAWE-13, International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, in Bangkok in December. The deadline for submitting the abstract of the oral presentation has been extended to August 15. We are waiting for your application!
We have also launched the Facebook page of SEAWE-13. Please like!
[Event] RECWET Special Seminar Series #44 (Dr. Iwai) RECWET held a special seminar on July 4 by Dr. Shoko Iwai, Director of Biotechnology and Healthcare Sciences, AI Dynamics Inc., U.S. Based on the experience of research and development on microbial ecology, especially the relationship with intestinal bacteria and related diseases, she gave a lecture on the path to development utilizing machine learning and AI technology.
[Award] JDA's Distinguished Service Award (Prof. Takizawa) Prof. Satoshi Takizawa (International Water Environment Division) was awarded a Distinguished Service Award by the chairman of the Japan Desalination Association for his great contribution to promoting the spread of Japanese seawater desalination technology overseas.
[Media] Interview article on Nikkei Business (Prof. Takizawa) An interview article with Prof. Satoshi Takizawa, Director of RECWET, was published in Nikkei Business No. 2146 (June 27, 2022), titled "Awakening? Japan, a water-advanced country - the next strategy with the wisdom and technology of water". Please take a look at Nikkei Business Electronic Edition.
[Publication] The invited paper selected as Inside Front Cover (Prof. Kato) An invited review paper by Prof. Takashi Kato (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development Division) has been published in Advanced Materials Volume 34, Issue 23 and it has been selected as Inside Front Cover of the issue.
[Publication] Review articles about micobacteria and odor in water (Prof. Kurisu) Related to Prof. Kurisu (Water System Management Division), 2 review articles have been issued: One is about nontuberculous mycobacteria in the water supply system by Gan (D2) et al. The other is about fishy odor in raw water for taps by Shinfuku (post-doc researcher) et al.
[Event] RECWET Special Seminar Series #43 (Prof. Chaminda) ESC and RECWET held a hybrid special seminar in the morning, by Prof. Chaminda of the University of Rufna, Sri Lanka.
At this seminar, he talked about the micropollutants and antibiotic-resistant microorganisms in Sri Lanka. He also introduced his current and future research collaboration with Japanese researchers. The slides (2MB)

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