News & Topics

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[Event] Image files from the international forum IFAWET-4 The event report of the international forum IFAWET-4, which was held online on 10-11 Dec 2021, has been released.
[Publication] Paper on inequalities in water consumption in Philippines (Prof. Takizawa) A research paper by a Master's graduate Alfonso, Prof. Satoshi Takizawa (International Water Environment Division) et al. was published in Current Research in Environmental Sustainability.
[Lecture] 3 invited lectures including PACIFICHEM (Prof. Kato) Prof. Takashi kato (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development Division) gave invited speeches at following conferences.
  • - International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, PACIFICHEM 2021, Pacifichem Symposium #196, Dec 16-21, Virtual.
  • - 5th Joint Lecture of Research Group on Precisely Designed Network Polymer, The Society of Polymer Science Japan, Nov 19, Online.
  • - Spotlights in Small Science, Wiley-VCH, Nov 8, Virtual Symposium.
[Award] Best Poster Presentation Award at IFAWET-4 (Prof. Katayama and Assoc. Prof. Kurisu) Of the 32 posters presented at IFAWET-4, Midori Yasui (D2/Prof. Hiroyuki Katayama) and Xinyue Liu (D2/Dr. Futoshi Kurisu et al.) received the Best Poster Presentation Award.
[Publication] Paper on the dynamics of PPCPs in India (Prof. Furumai) A paper showing the dynamics of monsoon and PPCPs in urban waters in Brahmaputra River, India has been issued online. It is an outcome of Bilateral Collaborations (Joint Research Projects) between Japan and India led by Prof. Furumai (Water Management Systems Division).
[Publication] Paper on Evaluation of stormwater runoff reduction by GI (Prof. Furumai) The research by Prof. Furumai, Dr. Shibuo et al. on Green Infrastructure was presented at the 66th Conference on Hydraulic Engineering (8-10 December, online) and published in JSCE B1 (Hydraulic Engineering).
A paper by a Master's graduate Imbulana, Oguma and Takizawa was published in the special issue "Water Pollution and Sanitation" of Water by Prof. Satoshi Takizawa (International Water Environment Division) and others.
An original article by Dr. Lianhui Wu (former researcher of UTokyo), Prof. Yoshimitsu Tajima and Prof. Hiroaki Furumai (Water System Management Division) and Dr. Yoshihiro Shibuo (Related program) was published from Journal of Flood Risk Management.
A paper by Prof. Satoshi Takizawa (International Water Environment Division) and Lecturer Takashi Hashimoto (RECWET collaborative member) has been published online in Membranes.
The latest information on the "The 4th International Forum on Asian Water Environment Technology: IFAWET-4" has been posted. The event is jointly held by RECWET and City University of Hong Kong from December 10 to 11, 2021.
A paper by Nwe Nwe Zin (M2) et al. and Shayma (D3) et al. has been published in Water. This is a part of special issue "Water Pollution and Sanitation" edited by Prof. Takizawa (International Water Environment Division), Takashi Hashimoto and Shinobu Kazama (RECWET collaborative members).
Prof. Furumai and Project Assoc. Prof. Shibuo (from a related program) will give oral presentations at International Conference on Urban Drainage (ICUD2021, October 25 to 28). Dr. Shibuo's presentation is the result of joint research by Prof. Furumai, Prof. Yoshimitsu Tajima, Assoc. Prof. Dai Yamazaki, and others (Water System Management Division).
The Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka held an online seminar "Japan's Experiences on Water Supply Development" on October 12th. Prof. Takizawa (Director), an expert in the field of water supply, was invited as a lecturer, and more than 250 officials across Sri Lanka participated. More details can be found in Sri Lanka Daily News.
At the RECWET Steering Committee held on Oct 10th, the budget plan was approved. We reported on new Center members, continued cooperation with Asian Institute of Technology, a joint research institute with the College of Life and Environmental Science, Wenzhou University and activities of Center and each Division. In order to maintain and strengthen the connection, an observer from the Agricultural Science joined us. We received comments that our operation status was good.
Dr. Tippawan SINGHOPON has been appointed as a RECWET Project Researcher as of October 1, 2021. She will engage in research on methods for measuring microorganisms in water.
An article by Prof. Syutsubo (International Water Environment Division) and researchers from Tohoku University and AIST was published online in Applied and Environmental Microbiology. It's on development of new quantification technology for microbial rRNA.
Prof. Takashi Kato (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development Division) gave an invited talk at three international conferences.
- August: Symposium Advanced (Bio) Materials Derived from Mesophases The IUPAC / Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, "Liquid-Crystalline Materials for Energy, Water, and Healthcare"
- July: The 2021 International Conference on Modern Challenges in Polymer Science and Technology, "Molecular Assemblies Forming Liquid-Crystalline Nanostructures for Energy, Environment, and Healthcare Functions"
- June: The 7th Federation of Asian Polymer Societies International Polymer Congress, "Self-Organized Polymers and Molecular Assembly for Water and Energy"
The original article by Dr. Chomphunut and Prof. Furumai was published in JWET. It's related to one of the research topics of Water System Management Division: Combined Sewer Overflows in rainfall events.
[Press Release from School of Engineering] Molecular insights on confined water in the nanochannels of self-assembled ionic liquid crystal
The article by Prof. Kato and researchers from other universities was published in Science Advances (AAAS) and an image of ionic nanochannels was selected as Online Cover.
An interview with Prof. Takizawa (International Water Environment Division) was published in Global Water Intelligence (GWI), one of the top stories "Japanese water looks to make more of a splash overseas".
An article from a collaborative research project by Chulalongkorn, Mahidol and Chiang Mai University from Thailand, U-Tokyo and University of Nevada has been published in Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. The first author is SAWANGJANG Benyapa, who received the doctorate in March 2020 under the guidance of Prof. Takizawa.
The results of joint research between Prof. Syutsubo*(International Water Environment Division / NIES), Kasetsart University (Thailand) and another have been published online in the Journal of Water & Health. *corresponding author
Another paper belonging to the special issue "Water Pollution and Sanitation" has been published in Water. The authors are Indrastuti(M2), Kazama and Takizawa, and Prof. Takizawa (International Water Environment Division) is one of the guest editors.
Research Center for Water Environment Technology is recruiting a Project Researcher. Click the details and application (JREC-IN Portal) or a PDF file.
An interview with Prof. Takizawa (International Water Environment Division) was published in Global Water Intelligence (GWI), one of the top stories "Concession breakthrough in Japan prompts PPP rethink". Headquartered in the UK, GWI operates a database of water projects around the world, in addition to distributing water-related news.
At a international conference of IUPAC-MACRO2020+, Prof. Takashi Kato (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development Division) gave a plenary lecture entitled "Self-organized Functional Polymers for Water, Energy, Healthcare, and Environment: Use of Liquid-Crystalline Nanostructures".
A paper by Arati(M2), Kazama and Takizawa has been published in Water. This is a part of a special issue "Water Pollution and Sanitation" edited by Prof. Takizawa (International Water Environment Division), Takashi Hashimoto and Shinobu Kazama (RECWET collaborative members).
In addition, Lohwacharin and Takizawa et al., Cacciatori, Hashimoto and Takizawa had been published from the special issue.
Professor Takashi Kato, Deputy Director of RECWET, received the Medal with Purple Ribbon in the announcement of the Medals in the spring of 2021. We would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations for Prof. Kato.
College of Life and Environmental Science (Wenzhou University, China) and RECWET are jointly launching "International Water Ecological Environment Research Center". A ceremony to commemorate its founding was held on May 10th, 2021.
An interview article with the Director, Professor Takizawa was published in the April issue of The Japan Times SDGs2021, "Water Business Special" (published on April 24).
He talks about the cooperation between local governments and private companies so far, expectations for future business expansion overseas, and concrete results of the JICA Water Engineering and Utility Management Future Leaders Program.
A paper by Prof. Kato and Prof. Katayama (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development Division) and others, on 2D liquid-crystalline nanostructured water treatment membranes based on gemini ionic smectic liquid crystals has been published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, and selected as Cover Image.
Journal of Disaster Research (Vol.16, No.3) edited by Project Associate Professor Shibuo (from a related program) and Prof. Furumai (Water System Management Division) has been published. This special issue on Futuristic Urban Flood Risk compiles technology development by private companies, efforts by local governments and the latest achievements in academic fields.
Shibuo & Furumai (Review)  Park et al. (Paper) Fukumori et al. (Survey report)
[Personnel affair]
The commission of Prof. Mari Asami (NIPH), who has been in office for six and a half years as a visiting professor, ended on March 31st.
From April 1st, Prof. Kazuaki Syutsubo (NIES) was welcomed at the same post. His specific research subject is "International Water Environment Management and Control".
[Press Release from IIS] Flood risk uncertainties assessed at the global scale: Associate Professor Yamazaki (Water System Management Division) et al.
JST CREST's special project "Countermeasures against COVID-19" selected 10 out of 150 applications. One of them is from our Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development Division (Research Director: Prof. Katayama, Principal collaborator: Prof. Kato and 3 others)
The RECWET Steering Committee was held on Feb 19th and Mar 16th. It was decided to recommend Prof. Takizawa to the Dean of the School of Engineering as a candidate for the next RECWET Director. In addition, our report on the budget implementation and the activities was accepted. The committee also discussed our plans for the next fiscal year.
Interview article with Prof. Takizawa (Director, International Water Environment Division) "Blessings of Nature and People's Efforts to Sustain Groundwater" has been published in the magazine "Water Culture" No.67 of the Mizkan Water Culture Center, February 2021 in Japanese. PDF / html
"Towards futuristic urban inundation risk management" by Prof. Furumai (Water System Management Division) was published in "Journal of Hydrological System" (2021 vol.119, Association for Rainwater Storage and Infiltration Technology).
Two papers written by Associate Professor Dai Yamazaki (Water Systems Management Division), who specializes in Global Hydrology, received Water Resources Research 2019 Editors' Choice Award and were commended on December 10, 2020. (Award-winning paper as the first author, details of MERIT Hydro)
Dr. Karthikeyan SEKAR has been appointed as a RECWET Project Researcher as of January 1, 2021. His specialty is Chemistry and he will engage in research on water treatment using the photocatalytic methods.
Our new booklet "Research Center for Water Environment technology" has been released (December 2020 edition). WEB version is shown here.
At the international exhibition ASIAWATER 2020, Prof. Furumai from Water System Management Division took the stage as a panelist on the topic "Water Sector Transformation 4.0" right after the opening ceremony, and gave an oral presentation and a Q & A session.
At the international conference WET2020 (Nov 7-8, Online), Tosaka, Torii, Poopipattana, Rahmatika received the "WET Excellent Presentation Award". They are graduate students / researchers supervised by RECWET members. The first is from a joint research between the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology and the Department of Urban Engineering.
[Press Release from School of Engineering] Ion Selectivity of Water Molecules in Subnanoporous Liquid-Crystalline Water-Treatment Membranes (Prof. Takashi Kato et al.)
Professor Katayama, from Division on Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development, appeared on TV. "Coronavirus detected in sewage in Tokyo"
[Press Release from School of Engineering] Applicability of polyethylene glycol precipitation followed by acid guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extraction for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA from municipal wastewater (D3 Torii, Prof. Furumai and Prof. Katayama)
Professor Furumai from Water System Management division made a commentary about urban inundation measures on the article "One Year from the Typhoon in Eastern Japan" in the Japan Sewerage Newspaper dated October 14, 2020.

In the special issue "Sewerage Day" of Kankyo Shimbun, an article by Professor Furumai of the Water System Management Division was published on the front page.


Professor Furumai, from Division on Water System Management, wrote a 6 page article about urban flood control. It has been published in monthly "Komei" September 2020 issue.


Professor Katayama, from Division on Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development, gives an easy-to-understand explanation on the prevention of new coronas in the kids waterworks newspaper 2020 issue.

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