News & Topics

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Our new booklet "Research Center for Water Environment technology" has been released (December 2020 edition). WEB version is shown here.
At the international exhibition ASIAWATER 2020, Prof. Furumai from Water System Management Division took the stage as a panelist on the topic "Water Sector Transformation 4.0" right after the opening ceremony, and gave an oral presentation and a Q & A session.
At the international conference WET2020 (Nov 7-8, Online), Tosaka, Torii, Poopipattana, Rahmatika received the "WET Excellent Presentation Award". They are graduate students / researchers supervised by RECWET members. The first is from a joint research between the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology and the Department of Urban Engineering.
[Press Release from School of Engineering] Ion Selectivity of Water Molecules in Subnanoporous Liquid-Crystalline Water-Treatment Membranes (Prof. Takashi Kato et al.)
Professor Katayama, from Division on Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development, appeared on TV. "Coronavirus detected in sewage in Tokyo"
[Press Release from School of Engineering] Applicability of polyethylene glycol precipitation followed by acid guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extraction for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA from municipal wastewater (D3 Torii, Prof. Furumai and Prof. Katayama)
Professor Furumai from Water System Management division made a commentary about urban inundation measures on the article "One Year from the Typhoon in Eastern Japan" in the Japan Sewerage Newspaper dated October 14, 2020.

In the special issue "Sewerage Day" of Kankyo Shimbun, an article by Professor Furumai of the Water System Management Division was published on the front page.


Professor Furumai, from Division on Water System Management, wrote a 6 page article about urban flood control. It has been published in monthly "Komei" September 2020 issue.


Professor Katayama, from Division on Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development, gives an easy-to-understand explanation on the prevention of new coronas in the kids waterworks newspaper 2020 issue.


Professor Takizawa is introduced in "Develop future leaders" page in the JICA PR magazine "mundi" July issue.
The professor, from Division on International Water Environment, is responsible for the international human resource development program "JICA Water Engineering and Utility Management for Future Leaders".


Associate Professor Kurisu received the 2019 Paper Award from the Japan Society on Water Environment for the following paper.
Main target papers : Phanwatt Phungsai, Futoshi Kurisu, Ikuro Kasuga and Hiroaki Furumai (2019) Molecular characteristics of dissolved organic matter transformed by O3 and O3/H2O2 treatments and the effects on formation of unknown disinfection by-products, Water Research, 159, 214-222.
Target related paper 1, Target related paper 2


A book co-edited by Prof. Furumai has been just issued.
M. Kumar, F. Munoz-Arriola, H. Furumai, T. Chaminda (Eds.) (2020) "Resilience, Response, and Risk in Water Systems", Springer. *21 chapters, 395 pages
Resilience, Response, and Risk in Water Systems


Corporate Sponsored Research Program "Sewerage System Innovation" is one of RECWET's related programs within the university. It opened in May 2020 and was introduced on several industrial newspapers.
Click here for their website.


The first web symposium co-hosted by NIPH and RECWET was held successfully on June 24th, with 124 participants and valuable feedback (in Japanese).

Each presentation (click to enlarge)

A paper by Prof. Kato and Prof. Katayama (Water Quality Control Technologies and Materials Development Division) and others, on nanostructured water treatment membranes based on smectic liquid-crystalline polymers exhibiting high virus removal function has been published in Small.

Research Center for Water Environment Technology is recruiting a Project Researcher. Click the details (PDF file) or the details and application (JREC-IN Portal).


An article by Prof. Furumai "To Get Along Well with Urban Rainwater" appeared in Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment Vol.43 (A), No.5. The article is the opening of the feature of the May 2020 issue, "Get Along Well with "Rain".
JSWE Vol.43(A), No.5


An interview article with Professor Furumai about urban flood was published on the feature page of JAAF monthly magazine's April issue. (4 pages in Japanese)


A report and a newspaper article on the collaborative event "UT Water Forum Symposium" (Feb/14/2020) were published on School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo HP(Japanese). It is the restart of the UT Water Forum, which ended its 5 year activities in 2013.
UT Water Forum

An interview article with Professor Takizawa, the director of RECWET and the leader of the International Water Environment Division, was published in Diamond Online magazine. The special project article "Water Risk Countermeasures" (4 pages in Japanese) explains recent international inundation / flood risk and domestic issues.
Foreword "Toward the sophistication of urban inundation risk management" written by Prof. Furumai (Water System Management Division) was in an annual bulletin "SOFTA" No.43 issued by the Japan Sewer Optical Fiber Technological Association. Technology development to promote visualization of the water level in the pipe and the inundation situation is summarized on one page.

We have exchanged Memorandum of Understanding with The College of Life and Environmental Science, Wenzhou University, China.

RECWET hosted Professor Xiaochang Wang, Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology for two weeks in January, 2020. See 'Symposium' for his lectures.

We have exchanged Memorandum of Understanding with Gyeongnam Green Environment Center & Waste to Energy-Recycling Human Resource Development Center, Changwon National University, Korea.


We have exchanged Memorandum of Understanding with Water Research and Development Center Isabela State University, The Philippines.


RECWET welcomed Professor Barth Smets, Professor at Technical University of Denmark, as JSPS invitation fellow. He will be staying until 20 December. Looking forward to stimulating collaborations.


We have exchanged Memorandum of Understanding with Strategic Water Infrastructure Laboratory, The University of Woollongong, Australia.


SEAWE12 was successfully held Hanoi, Vietnam from November 28-30, 2016. 

Book compiling papers presented in the first IFAWET, “Trends in Asian Water Environment Science and Technology” was published.
RECWET Symposium "Behavior of micropollutants in urban water systems" was held.
The second IFAWET was organized in Busan, Korea.
SEAWE11 is going to be held at Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand from November 26-28, 2014. Call for papers (platform and poster presentations) is open now.
Our publication list was updated. Please check with the page of "Publication".
Imformation about the Special seminar series #2 by ProfessorC.Visvanathan was posted in the Symposium Page.
Imformation about "Water and Environment Technology Conference (WET2012)" was added in the Symposium Page.
The symposium imfomation was updated for the Associated Event of the 4th IWA-ASPIRE Conference & Exhibition. (2011.10.2)
The new home page of RECWET was created.
(2010.10.24~26) The 8th International symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment was held in Thailand.
The 13rd Domestic RECWET symposium was held at Takeda Hall.
The second period of RECWET was started.

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