International workshop on DHS technology and sanitation

An international workshop on DHS (Down-flow Hanging Sponge) technology and sanitation was held, in which Prof. Kazuaki Syutsubo (International Water Environment Division/NIES) has been involved. (Left image)
The approximately 30 participants were researchers and government officials from the University of Malaya (Malaysia), AIT, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Interior, etc.
A lively exchange of opinions took place regarding the applicability of DHS technology in the fields of domestic wastewater treatment, post-treatment, and water purification, as well as collaboration for future technology implementation.

  • International workshop on DHS technology and sanitation - result of joint research and future perspective -
  • Organizer:Kasetsart University, Thailand (KU) / National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan (NIES)
          / Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Thailand (BMA) / RECWET /
  • Date:January 8, 2024
  • Place:Kasetsart University

This international joint research on decentralized domestic wastewater treatment technology has been conducted for 12 years. A pilot scale plant has been installed in an apartment in Bangkok (Right image). Abstract of the research