Research achievement
Original papers
Water Quality Asessment Group
- Masaaki Kitajima, Tomoichiro Oka, Hirotaka Takagi, Yukinobu Tohya, Hiroyuki Katayama, Naokazu Takeda, and Kazuhiko Katayama (2010) Development and application of a broadly reactive real-time reverse transcription-PCR assay to detect murine noroviruses, Journal of Virological Methods, 169(2), 269-73.
Hata, A., Katayama, H., Kitajima, M., Visvanathan, C., Nol, C. and Furumai, H. (2011) Validation of internal controls for nucleic acid extraction and amplification of enteric viruses in water samples, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77, 4336-4343. (DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00077-11)
- Tobino,T., Kurisu, F., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2011) Shotgun Isotope Array for Rapid, Substrate-Specific Detection of Microorganisms in a Microbial Community, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77, 7430–7432. (DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00121-11)
- Tobino,T., Kurisu, F., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2012) Specificity of randomly generated genomic DNA fragment probes on a DNA array, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 328, 86-89. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-6968.2011.02486.x)
- Thayanukul, P., Kurisu, F., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2012) Evaluation of Microbial Regrowth Potential by Assimilable Organic Carbon in Various Reclaimed Water and Distribution Systems, Water Research, 47(1), 225-232. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2012.09.051)
- Thayanukul, P., Kurisu, F., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2013) Characterization of bacterial isolates from water reclamation systems on the basis of substrate utilization patterns and regrowth potential in reclaimed water, Water Science and Technology, 68(7), 1556-1565. (DOI: 10.2166/wst.2013.395)
- Kitajima, M., Hata, H., Yamashita, T., Haramoto, R., Minagawa, H. and Katayama, H. (2013) Development of a reverse transcription-quantitative PCR system for detection and genotyping of Aichi viruses in clinical and environmental samples, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 79(13), 3952-3958. (DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00820-13)
- Fukushima, T., Hara-Yamamura, H., Urai, M., Kasuga, I., Kurisu, F., Miyoshi, T., Kimura, K., Watanabe, Y. and Okabe, S. (2014) Toxicity assessment of chlorinated wastewater effluents by using transcriptome-based bioassays and Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry (FT-MS) analysis, Water Research, 52, 73-82. (DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2014.01.006)
- Hata, A., Kitajima, M., Tajiri-Utagawa, E. and Katayama, H. (2014) Development of a high resolution melting analysis for detection and differentiation of human astroviruses. Journal of Virological Methods, 200C:29-34. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jviromet.2014.01.023)
- Urai, M., Kasuga, I., Kurisu, F. and Furumai, H. (2014) Molecular characterization of dissolved organic matter in various urban water by using Orbitrap mass spectrometry, Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 14(4), 547-553. (DOI: 10.2166/ws.2014.006)
- Acharya, S., Kurisu, F., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2015) Chlorine Dose Determines Bacterial Community Structure of Subsequent Regrowth in Reclaimed Water. Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.14, No.1, 15-24.
Watershed and Water Resource Group
- Wang, J. and Ishidaira, H. (2013) Effects of human-induced vegetation cover change on sediment flow using satellite observations and terrestrial ecosystem model, Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 69(4), I_205-I_210. (DOI: 10.2208/jscejhe.69.I_205)
- Quan Anh TRAN and Kenji TANIGUCHI(2014)Variations of precipitation and water resources in the northern part of Vietnam under climate change, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 70(4), I_211-216. (DOI: 10.2208/jscejhe.70.I_211)
- Thi Hieu Bui, T.H., Ishidaira, H and Ichikawa, Y. and Magome, J. (2014), Evaluation of potential error in areal mean precipitation and its impact on rainfall-runoff simulation using satellite precipitation product, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 70(4), I_199-I_204. (DOI: 10.2208/jscejhe.70.I_199)
- Wang, J., Ishidaira, H., Sun, W., Ning S. (2013) Development and Interpretation of New Sediment Rating Curve Considering the Effect of Vegetation Cover for Asian Basins, The Scientific World Journal, Article ID 154375. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/154375)
- Yajima, H. and Choi, J.K. (2013) Changes in phytoplankton biomass due to diversion of an inflow into the Urayama Reservoir, Ecological Engineering, 58, 180-191. (DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2013.06.030)
- Bui T. H. and Ishidaira, H. (2015) Evaluation of satellite-gauge merging precipitation methods for rainfall runoff simulations, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), Vol. 71, No. 4, I_79-I_84, 2015.
- Ning, S., Ishidaira, H. and Wang, J. (2015) Calibrating a hydrological model by step-wise method using GRACE TWS and discharge data, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), Vol. 71, No. 4, I_85-I_90, 2015.
- Taniguchi K. and Sho K. (2015) Application of the Pseudo Global Warming Dynamic Downscaling Method to the Tokai Heavy Rain in 2000, Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, Vol.93, No.5, pp.551-570, DOI:10.2151/jmsj.2015-042.
Urban Rainwater Management and Use Group
- Kojima, K. Murakami, M., Yoshimizu, C., Tayasu, I., Nagata, T., Furumai, H. (2011) Evaluation of surface runoff and road dust as sources of nitrogen using nitrate isotopic composition, Chemosphere, 84, 1716-1722. (DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.04.071)
- Kim, J.Y. and Furumai, H. (2012) Assessment of rainwater availability by building type and water use through GIS-based scenario analysis, Water Resource Management, 26(6), 1499-1511. (DOI:10.1007/s11269-011-9969-9)
- Khanal, R., Furumai, H. and Nakajima, F. (2013) Toxicity assessment of size-fractionated urban road dust using ostracod Heterocypris incongruens direct contact test, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 264, 53-64. (DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2013.10.058)
- Hashimoto, T., Shigemura, H. and Yokota, T. (2014) Countermeasure against increase of heavy rainfall. Journal of Water and Environment Technology. 12(2), 87-97.
Urban Groundwater Management and Use Group
- Nguyen Van Huy, Michio Murakami, Hiroshi Sakai, Kumiko Oguma, Koji Kosaka, Mari Asami, Satoshi Takizawa (2011) Occurrence and formation potential of N-nitrosodimethylamine in ground water and river water in Tokyo, Water Research, 45, 3369-3377.
- H. Sakai, H. Katayama, K. Oguma and S. Ohgaki (2011) Effect of photoreactivation on ultraviolet inactivation of Microcystis aeruginosa, Water Science & Technology, 63(6), 1224-1229.
- Hiroshi Nishikoori, Michio Murakami, Hiroshi Sakai, Kumiko Oguma, Hideshige Takada, Satoshi Takizawa (2011) Estimation of contribution from non-point sources to perfluorinated surfactants in a river by using boron as a wastewater tracer, Chemosphere, 84, 1125-1132. (DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.04.036)
- Huy, N.V., Murakami, M., Sakai, H., Oguma, K., Koska, K., Asami, M and Takizawa, S. (2011) Occurrence and formation potential of N-nitrosodimethylamine in groundwater and river water in Tokyo, Water Research, 45, 3369-3377. (DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2011.03.053)
- Kuroda, K., Murakami, M., Oguma, K., Muramatsu, Y., Takada, H. and Takizawa, S. (2012) Assessment of Groundwater Pollution in Tokyo Using PPCPs as Sewage Markers, Environ. Sci. Technol., 46 (3), 1455-1464. (DOI: 10.1021/es202059g)
- An, D.T., Kuroda, K., Takizawa, S., Hayashi, T., Nga, T.T.V. and Oguma, K. (2013) Household Survey of Installation and Treatment Efficiency of Point-of-Use Water Treatment Systems in Hanoi, Vietnam. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology AQUA, 65(2), 154-161 (DOI: 10.2166/aqua.2013.011).
- Phetrak, A., Lohwacharin, J., Sakai, H., Murakami, M., Oguma, K. and Takizawa, S. (2014) Simultaneous Removal of Dissolved Organic Matter and Bromide from Drinking Water Source by Anion Exchange Resins for Controlling Disinfection By-Products, Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 26, 1294-1300.
- Kuroda, K., Murakami, M., Oguma, K., Takada, H. and Takizawa, S. (2014) Investigating sources and pathways of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) in aquifers in Tokyo using multiple tracers, Science of the Total Environment 488–489, pp. 51–60.
- Yang, Y., Lohwacharin, J. and Takizawa, S. (2014) Hybrid ferrihydrite-MF/UF membrane filtration for the simultaneous removal of dissolved organic matter and phosphate、Water Research, 65 (15), pp.177–185.
- Kuroda, K., Nakada, N., Hanamoto, S., Inaba, M., Katayama, H., Do, A.T., Nga, T.T.V., Oguma, K., Hayashi, T. and Takizawa, S. (2015) Pepper mild mottle virus as an indicator and a tracer of fecal pollution in water environments: comparative evaluation with wastewater-tracer pharmaceuticals in Hanoi, Vietnam, Science of the Total Environment 506–507, pp. 287–298.
- Phetrak A., Lohwacharin J., Takizawa S., Analysis of trihalomethane precursor removal from sub-tropical reservoir waters by a magnetic ion exchange resin using a combined method of chloride concentration variation and surrogate organic molecules, Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN), 539, 165-174, 2015.
Urban Water Use Design Group
- Pham Ngoc Bao, Toshiya Aramaki and Keisuke Hanaki (2010) Multi-criteria Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Scenarios for Small Towns in Developing Countries - Case Study of Toan Thang Town in Vietnam, Journal of Water and Environmental Technology, 8(4), 269-291.
- Otaki, Y., Otaki, M., Sugihara, H., Mathurasa, L., Pengchai, P. and Aramaki T.(2011) Comparison of residential indoor water consumption patterns in Chiang Mai and Khon Kaen, Thailand, Journal of AWWA, 103(5), 104-110.
- Pham, N.B., Aramaki, T. and Hanaki, K. (2013) Assessment of Stakeholders' Preferences Toward Sustainable Sanitation Scenarios, Water and Environment Journal, 27(1), 58-70. (DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-6593.2012.00327.x)
- Otaki, Y., Otaki, M., Pham, N.B., Tran, T.V.N. and Aramaki, T. (2013) Micro-component Survey of Residential Water Consumption in Hanoi, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 13(2), 469-478.
- Otaki, Y., Otaki, M., Pham, N.B., Tran, T.V.N. and Aramaki, T. (2013) Micro-component Survey of Residential Water Consumption in Hanoi, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 13(2), 469-478. (DOI: 10.2166/ws.2013.029)
- Pham, N.B., Aramaki, T., Otaki, M. and Otaki, Y. (2013) Water Demand Management: a Strategic Approach towards Sustainable Water Use System in Hanoi, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 11(5), 403-418. (DOI: 10.2965/jwet.2013.403)
Oral presentations
Water Quality Asessment Group
- Inaba, M. (2010) Virus indicators for microbial water safety, The 8th International Symposium on Southeast Asia Water Environment, Phuket, Thailand, 24-26 October.
- Thayanukul, P., Kurisu, F., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2011) Determination of assimilable organic carbon (AOC) in reclaimed water in Japan, 8th IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation & Reuse, 78-79, Barcelona (Spain), 26-29 September.
- Inaba, M., Katayama, H. and Furumai, H. (2011) Detection of genus Kobuvirus in Aarakawa River basin as microbial source indicators, 4th IWA-ASPIRE, 113, Tokyo, 2-6 October.
- Sangsanont, J., Katayama, H. and Furumai, H. (2011) Analysis of capsid damage efficiency of enteric virus after low pressure and medium pressure UV disinfection by ethidium monoazide coupled with quantitative PCR method, 4th IWA-ASPIRE, 115-116, Tokyo, 2-6 October.
- Tayanukul, P., Kurisu, F., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2011) Removal and production of assimilable organic carbon in a water reclamation system, 4th IWA-ASPIRE, 163, Tokyo, 2-6 October.
- Kasuga, I., Thayanukul, P., Kurisu, F. and Furumai, H. (2012) Influence of assimilable organic carbon and residual chlorine on biological stability of reclaimed water in Japan, 8. (San Diego, CA, 4-5 June)
- Kurisu, F., Nakamoto, H., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2012) Molecular composition analysis of organic matter in reclaimed wastewater by Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry, 16th Annual Water Reuse & Desalination Research Conference, 9. (San Diego, CA, 4-5 June)
- Thayanukul, P., Kurisu, F., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2012) Characterization of biodegradable organic matter in reclaimed organic matter by bacterial isolates, IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition, IWA-8185R1. (Busan, Korea, 16-21 September)
- Furumai, H. (2012) Climate change and water use management based on CREST project outcomes, CREST Symposium associated with 10th SEAWE in Hanoi. (Hanoi, Vietnam, 7 November)
- Katayama, H. (2012) Microbial water safety with novel virus indicators, CREST Symposium associated with 10th SEAWE in Hanoi. (Hanoi, Vietnam, 7 November)
- Inaba, M. (2012) Detection of genus Kobuvirus as microbial source tracking indicators in Hanoi, Vietnam, CREST Symposium associated with 10th SEAWE in Hanoi. (Hanoi, Vietnam, 7 November)
- Inaba, M., Katayama, H., Nga, T.T.V. and Furumai, H. (2012) Detection of genus Kobuvirus for evaluation as virus indicator for fecal contamination source tracking from Nhue River in Hanoi, Vietnam, The 10th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, 203-209. (Hanoi, Vietnam, 8-10 November)
- Sangsanont, J., Dan, D.T., Nga, T.T.V., Katayama, H. and Furumai, H. (2013) Prevalence of viruses and its potential as viral indicator for drinking water safety: case study in Hanoi, Vietnam, The 1st International Forum on Asian Water Environment Technology, 68-69. (18-20 December, New Delhi, India)
- Khanal, R., Furumai, H. and Nakajima, F. (2013) Toxicity identification evaluation of urban road dust in Tokyo using Ostracod Heterocypris incongruens direct contact test, The 5th IWA-ASPIRE, 09G2-5. (8-12 September, Daejeon, Korea)
- Urai, M., Kasuga, I., Kurisu, F. and Furumai, H. (2013) Molecular characterization of dissolved organic matter in various urban water by using Orbitrap mass spectrometry, The 5th IWA-ASPIRE, 11A2-2. (8-12 September, Daejeon, Korea)
- Phungsai, P., Kurisu, F., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2014) Molecular characterization and transformation of low molecular weight organic matter along with water reclamation processes, The 11th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, pp.182-189. (26-28 November, Bangkok, Thailand)
- Phungsai, P., Kurisu, F., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2015) Characterization of low molecular weight dissolved organic matter (NOM) in drinking water treatment process using Orbitrap mass spectrometry, IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter in Water (NOM6). (7-10 September, Malmö, Sweden)
- Kurisu, F., Kanaya, K., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2015) Characterization of biodegradable organic matters in reclaimed water by bacterial growth and Orbitrap mass spectrometry, 2015 International Environmental Engineering Conference and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Environmental Engineers, ORS6-24. (28-30 October, Busan, Korea)
- Phungsai, P., Kurisu, F., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2015) Unknown screening of chlorinated disinfection by-products and their precursors through a series of reclamation process by Orbitrap mass spectrometry, 2015 International Environmental Engineering Conference and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Environmental Engineers, ORS6-21. (28-30 October, Busan, Korea)
- Katayama, H., Ng, W., Inaba, M. and Furumai, H. (2015) Limited contribution from grey water to the presence of OMMoV in the Arakawa River, Japan, 2015 International Environmental Engineering Conference and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Environmental Engineers, ORS4-08. (28-30 October, Busan, Korea)
- Khanal, R., Furumai, H. and Nakajima, F. (2015) Application of high resolution fourier transform mass spectrometry to the non-targeted analysis of organic toxicants in urban road dust, 2015 International Environmental Engineering Conference and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Environmental Engineers, ORS9-13. (28-30 October, Busan, Korea)
- Kasuga, I. (2015) Unknown screening analysis of DOM in river water using Orbitrap mass spectrometry, The 2nd International Forum on Asian Water Environment Technology, (27 October, Busan, Korea)
Watershed and Water Resource Group
- Ishidaira, H. and K. Taniguchi (2010) Hydro meteorological simulation for water resources estimation in Red river basin, The 8th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, Phuket (Thailand), 26 October.
- Khujanazarov, T., Ichikawa, Y., Magome, J. and Oishi, S. (2011) Web-based, geographical platform for hydrological data management, The 9th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, Bangkok, 1-3 December.
- Wang, J. and Ishidaira, H. (2011) Effect of vegetation change and climate change on inflow into the Hoabinh Reservoir in the Red River Basin, The 18th Biennial ISEM Conference Ecological Modelling for Global Change and Coupled Human and Natural Systems, Beijing, 20-23 September.
- Wang, J. and Ishidaira, H. (2012) Development and interpretation of new sediment rating curves considering the effect of vegetation change in the Da River, Proceeding of AOGS-AGU (WPGM) Joint Assembly, HS10-A018. (Singapore, 13-17 August)
- Kakizawa, K. and Wang, J. (2012) Modeling of sediment production and transport processes in Red river basin, CREST Symposium associated with 10th SEAWE in Hanoi: Development of Well-Balanced Urban Water Use System Adapted to Climate Change -Toward Sustainable Water Use-. (Hanoi, Vietnam, 7 November)
- Kakizawa, K., Ishidair, H., Magome, J. and Wang, J. (2012) Study on sediment production distribution in the Red River basin, Vietnum, The 10th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment. (Hanoi, Vietnam, 8-10 November)
- Magome, J. (2012) Downscaling of global climate predictions into local scale water resources information, CREST Symposium associated with 10th SEAWE in Hanoi: Development of Well-Balanced Urban Water Use System Adapted to Climate Change -Toward Sustainable Water Use-. (Hanoi, Vietnam, 7 November)
- Tran, Q. A., and Taniguchi, K. (2013) Variations in rainfall in Vietnam under the global warming, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, AHW02-09 (Chiba, Japan, 19-24 May)
- Taniguchi, K. and Hosoi, M. (2014) Application of a Pseudo Global Warming Meghod and Dynamic Downscaling for Typhoons Approaching to Japan, Japan Geoscicence Union Meeting, Pacifico Yokohama (Yokohama, Japan), 2014/5/1
- Taniguchi, K. (2014) Application of Dynamic Downscaling Meghod for Fugure Flood Risk in Toengawa-river Basin in Japan, Asia Oceania Geoscience Society 2014 Meeting, Royton Sapporo (Sapporo, Japan), 2014/7/31
Urban Rainwater Management and Use Group
- 屋井裕幸(2010)日本雨水収集管理事業的歴史,中原大学建築系国際建築名師講座,台北,2010/11/27.
- Sano, S., Kojima, K., Kurisu, F. and Furumai, H. (2011) Source determination of nitrate loading in road runoff using stable isotope analysis, 4th IWA-ASPIRE, 107-108, Tokyo, 2-6 October.
- Okui,H., Honsho, M. and Imbe, M. (2011) Plastic Underground storage and infiltration facilities for rainwater: A new technical guideline in Japan, Geotechnics for Sustainable Development, Proceedings of the International Conference, GEOTECHANOI 2011, 569-576, Hanoi (Vietnam), 6-10 October.
- Imbe,M., Okui, H. and Maruyama, T. (2011) Towards the well-balanced hydrological system in urban developments, Geotechnics for Sustainable Development, Proceedings of the International Conference, GEOTECHANOI 2011, 661-671, Hanoi (Vietnam), 6-10 October.
- Imbe, M., Okui, M. and Maruyama, T. (2011) Installation of infiltration facilities for urban development, Abstract, The 3rd IWA International Conference on Rainwater Harvesting & Management, Goseong (Korea), 20-24 May.
- Okui, H. and Imbe, M. (2011) Numerical Estimation of Effectiveness for Flood Control on Rainwater Harvesting Tank, Abstract, The 3rd IWA International Conference on Rainwater Harvesting & Management, Goseong (Korea), 20-24 May.
- Imbe, M., Okui, H. and Maruyama, T. (2011) Practical application of watering method on road surface for improving water cycle and heat environment, Abstract, IWA World Water Congress , Busan (Korea), 16-21 September.
- Imbe, M., Okui, H. and Maruyama, T. (2012) Installation of infiltration facilities for urban development, The 3rd IWA-RWHM Conference & Exhibition. (Goseong, Korea, 20-24 May)
- Okui, H. and Imbe, M. (2012) Numerical Estimation of Effectiveness for Flood Control on Rainwater Harvesting Tank, The 3rd IWA-RWHM Conference & Exhibition. (Goseong, Korea, 20-24 May)
- Kim, J.Y., An, K.G., and Furumai, H. (2012) Evaluation of rainwater utilization for miscellaneous water demands in different types of building using GIS, The 3rd IWA-RWHM Conference & Exhibition. (Goseong, Korea, 20-24 May)
- Hashimoto, T. (2012) The effects of future increases in heavy rain on measure for the prevention of inundation in urban areas, The 9th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling. (Belgrade, Selbia, 4 September)
- Imbe, M., Okui, H. and Maruyama, T. (2012) Practical Application of Watering Method on Road Surface for Improving Water Cycle and Heat Environment, IWA , World Water Congress & Exhibition. (Busan, Korea, 16-21 September)
- Khanal, R., Furumai, H. and Nakajima, F. (2012) Evaluation of toxicity change of urban road dust under wet condition using ostracod Heterocypris incongruens, SETAC Asia Pacific 2012 Meeting, A_0449. (Kumamoto, 24-27 September)
- Imbe, M. (2013) Town Building Taking Advantage of Rainwater Storage and Infiltration Technology, The 10th International Rainwater Forum. (Changwon, Korea, 22 March)
- Okui, H. (2013) Development of Plastic Underground Rainwater Storage and Infiltration Facilities in Japan, The 10th International Rainwater Forum. (Changwon, Korea, 22 March)
- Okui, H. and Imbe, M. (2013) Estimation of Rainwater Utilization Potential in Arakawa River Basin, The 16th International Rainwater Catchment Systems Conference & International Symposium on Rainwater Utilization, 2-B (Beijin/Nanjin, China, 1-4 July)
- Imbe, M. and Okui, H. (2013) Newly Developed Simplified Estimation Method on the Runoff Control by Means of Rainwater Storage and Infiltration Facilities, The 6th Conference of the Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources (APHW2013), 19-B119 (Seoul, Korea, 19-21August)
- OKUI, H., IMBE, M. and MARUYAMA, M. (2015) Water quality dynamics in innovative rainwater infiltration and storage tank attached to road, IWA 3rd Water Research Conference. (11-14 January, Shenzen, China)
- IMBE, M. and OKUI, H. (2015) Estimation of rainwater utilization at the individual house based on the monitoring data for 30 years, IWA 3rd Water Research Conference. (11-14 January, Shenzen, China)
Urabn Groundwater Management and Use Group
- Kuroda K., Fukushi T., Murakami M., Oguma K., Takada H. and Takizawa S. (2009) Pharmaceuticals as markers of sewage pollution in groundwater in Tokyo, Proceedings of 2009 American Water Works Association Water Quality Technology Conference in Seattle, Washington, ST4-5.(11/15-19)
- Hayashi, T., Takizawa, S., Cau, L.N., Watanabe, N. and Tokunaga, T. (2011) Natural and anthropogenic pollutants in lake sediments in Hanoi city, GEOMED2011, Bari, Italy, 2011.9.20-25.
- Cau, L.N., Takizawa, S., Sakai, H., Tokunaga, T., Hayashi, T., Murakami, M. and Nga, T.T.V. (2011) Characterization of groundwater and pore water in Hanoi city, 4th IWA-ASPIRE, Tokyo, 2-6 October.
- Kuroda, K., Murakami, M., Oguma, K., Takada, H. and Takizawa, S. (2011) Occurrence and sources of PFCs in groundwater in Tokyo, Proceedings of IWA Micropol & Ecohazard 2011, IWA-5551R1, Sydney (Australia), 11 July.
- Kuroda, K. and Hayashi, T. (2012) Groundwater recharge and quality in Hanoi, Proceedings of Climate Change and Urban Water Systems – Workshop for adaptation and better management, Hanoi (Vietnam), 6 March.
- Kuroda, K., Murakami, M., Oguma, K., Takada, H. and Takizawa, S (2012) PPCPs and PFCs in aquifers of Tokyo within complex hydrogeological settings, ACS Spring Meeting, San Diego,26 March.
- Takizawa, S. (2012) Urban Development and the Role of Groundwater Management in Hanoi: Ensuring Safety and Sustainable Groundwater Use, Proceedings of CREST Symposium Associated with 10th SEAWE in Hanoi “Development of Well-Balanced Urban Water Use Systems Adapted for Climate Change -Toward Sustainable Water Use-”. (Hanoi, Vietnam, 7 November)
- Hayashi, T. (2012) Fluctuation of the Groundwater Table and the Water Levels of the Surrounding Ponds in Hanoi City, Proceedings of CREST Symposium Associated with 10th SEAWE in Hanoi “Development of Well-Balanced Urban Water Use Systems Adapted for Climate Change -Toward Sustainable Water Use-”. (Hanoi, Vietnam, 7 November)
- Kuroda, K. (2012) Groundwater Pollution by Arsenic in Hanoi, Vietnam: Influence of Pond Infiltrates on Ambient Groundwater, Proceedings of CREST Symposium Associated with 10th SEAWE in Hanoi “Development of Well-Balanced Urban Water Use Systems Adapted for Climate Change -Toward Sustainable Water Use”. (Hanoi, Vietnam, 7 November)
- An, D.T., Kuroda, K., Takizawa, S., Hayashi, T., Nga, T.T.V. and Oguma, K. (2012) Household Survey on Water Sources and Point-of-Use Water Treatment Systems in Hanoi, Vietnam. Proceedings of The 10th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, 59, (Hanoi, Vietnam, 10 November)
- An, D.T., Kuroda, K., Takizawa, S., Hayashi, T., Nga, T.T.V. and Oguma, K. (2012) Household Survey of Installation and Treatment Efficiency of Point-of-Use Water Treatment Systems in Hanoi, Vietnam. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Water Supply Technology, 30. (Yokohama, 21 November)
- Kuroda, K., Murakami, M., Oguma, K., Takada, H. and Takizawa, S. (2012) A Multi-Tracer Approach for Analyzing Occurrence and Sources of Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) in Groundwater in Tokyo, Proceedings of The 4th IWA Asia-Pacific Young Water Professionals Conference 2012, 89-92. (Tokyo, 8 December)
- An, D.T., Kuroda, K., Takizawa, S., Hayashi, T., Nga, T.T.V. and Oguma, K. (2012) Household Survey on Water Sources and Point-of-Use Water Treatment Systems in Hanoi, Vietnam. Proceedings of the 4th IWA Asia-Pacific Young Water Professionals Conference, 229. (Tokyo, 8 December)
- An, D.T., Kuroda, K., Hayashi, T., Nga, T.T.V., Oguma, K. and Takizawa, S. (2013) Removal of Arsenic and Bacteria by Point-of-Use (POU) Water Treatment Systems in Hanoi City, Vietnam. Proceedings of Environmental Health 2013 - Science and Policy to Protect Future Generations. (Boston, USA, 5 March)
- Hayashi, T., Kuroda, K., An, D.T., Nga, T.T.V. and Takizawa, S. (2012) Interaction between surface water areas and groundwater in Hanoi city, Viet Nam. American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2012 Fall meeting (December, 3-7, 2012, San Francisco, USA)
- Kuroda, K. and Takizawa, S. (2013) Hydrogeological factors affecting PPCPs and PFCs in aquifers: Why the concentrations of groundwater in Tokyo could be higher than those of secondary effluent? IWA Micropol & Ecohazard Conference 2013, IWA-11710 (June 19, 2013, Zurich, Switzerland)
- Funabiki, A., Kuroda, K., Hayashi, T., Nga, T.T.V and Takizawa, S. (2013) Delta initiation and accumulation curves of deltaic sediments in the Song Hong (Red River) delta, northern Vietnam. Abstracts for IGCP 581-Evolution of Asian River Systems, Hanoi, Vietnam. (November 12, 2013, Hanoi, Vietnam)
- Hayashi, T., Kuroda, K., An, D.T., Takizawa, S., Nga, T.T.V. (2014) Interaction between surface water areas and groundwater in Hanoi city, Viet Nam. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 11th Annual Meeting (28/Jul./2014-1/Aug./2014, Sapporo, Japan)
- Hayashi, T., Kuroda, K., An, D.T., Oguma, K., Takizawa, S., Nga, T.T.V., Ishidaira, H., Taniguchi, K. (2014) Effect of Climate Change on Groundwater Resource in Hanoi, Viet Nam. 41st International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) International Congress "Groundwater : Challenges and Strategies" (September, 15-19, 2014, Marrakech, Morocco)
Urban Water Use Design Group
- Leelapang,P.,K. Hanaki, T. Aramaki, K. Kurisu and K-J. An (2010) Integrated Nitrogenous Pollution Management in Chaophraya Delta, Thailand, Urban Environmental Pollution 2010, Boston, USA, 20-23 June.
- Leelapang,P.,K. Hanaki, T. Aramaki, K. Kurisu and K-J. An (2010) Assessment of Nitrogen Flows for Integrated Pollution Control in Central Thailand, WET 2010, Yokohama, Japan, 25-26 June.
- Pham, N. B., T. Aramaki and K. Hanaki (2010) Optimization Approach for the Assessment and Selection of Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Scenarios - Case Study in Small Towns of Vietnam, 5th IWA Young Water Professionals Conference, Sydney, Australia, 6 July.
- Kubota, A. (2010) Integration of Cultural Heritage and Urban Landscape around the Outer Moat of Edo Castle, The 12th World Conference of Historical Cities, Nara, Japan, 12-15 October.
- Aramaki, T. (2010) Survey on household water use for appropriate design of water use system, The 8th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment, Phuket, Thailand, 24-26 October.
- Leelapang,P.,K. Hanaki, T. Aramaki, K. Kurisu and K-J. An (2010) Assessment of Nitrogen Flows in Chaophraya Delta, Thailand: Integrated Approach for Upstream Pollution Control, ISIE-MFA ConAccount Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 7-9 November.
- Pham, N.B., Aramaki, T., Otaki, Y. and Otaki M. (2011) An Analysis of Water Consumption and Prospects for Implementing Household Water Use Demand Management in Hanoi City, The 4th IWA-ASPIRE conference and exhibition, Tokyo, 2-6 October.
- Otaki, Y., Otaki, M., Pham, N.B., Rei, H. and Aramaki, T. (2011) Micro-components Survey of Residential Water Consumption in Hanoi, The 4th IWA-ASPIRE conference and exhibition, Tokyo, 2-6 October.
- Leng, P., Otaki M. and Otaki Y. (2011) Comparison of the questionnaire and the direct measurement surveys for understanding the domestic water consumption in each purpose, The 4th IWA-ASPIRE conference and exhibition, Tokyo, 2-6 October.
- Pham, N.B. and Aramaki T. (2012) Domestic Water Consumption and Opportunities for Implementing Water Demand Management in Hanoi City of Vietnam, The 16th Annual Water Reuse & Desalination Research Conference. (San Diego, 4-5 June)
- Pham, N.B. and Aramaki T. (2012) Water Demand Management: A Strategic Approach Towards Sustainable Urban Water Systems in Vietnam, Water Environment and Technology Conference 2012 (Tokyo, 29-30 June)
- Le Quynh Chi and Aya Kubota (2013), Effect of Urban Policy on Transformation of Natural Water System in Hanoi, 4th International Academic Consortium for Sustainable Cities (IACSC) Symposium, (September 6-7, Manila, The PHILIPPINES.
- Maki, S., Nakatani, J. Kurisu, K. and Hanaki, K. (2014) Basin-scale Multi-Objective Optimization of Water and Wastewater Systems considering Global and Regional Impact, EcoBalance 2014, (October 27-30, Tsukuba, Japan)
- Nakatani, J., Maki, S., Kurisu, K., Otsuka, Y., Aramaki, T. and Hanaki, K. (2014) Scenario Generation Of Water Use Systems With The Application Of Multi-Objective Optimization, IWA Regional Conference on Water Reuse and Energy 2014 (October 21-24, Deagu, KOREA).
Poster presentations
Water Quality Asessment Group
- Inaba, M., Katayama, H., Nga, T.T.V. and Furumai, H. (2011) Detection of genus Kobuvirus as candidates of fecal contamination source tracking indicators in Nhue River in Hanoi, Vietnam, 16th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology. Rotorua (New Zealand), 18-23 September.
- Thayanukul,P., Kurisu, F., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2012), A novel method to characterize biodegradable organic matter in reclaimed water using bacterial growth fingerprint, 14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, 459B. (Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-24 Aug)
- Kurisu, F., Kanaya, K., Urai, M., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2013) Detection of compounds consumed by microbial regrowth in reclaimed water, The 5th International Conference on Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering, 12843. (7-10 July, Ann Arbor, Michigan)
- Thayanukul, P., Kurisu, F., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2013) Tracking the change of biodegradable organic matter during water reclamation processes using bacterial growth fingerprint, The 5th International Conference on Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering, 12914. (7-10 July, Ann Arbor, Michigan)
- Inaba, M., Ng, W., Katayama, H. and Furumai, H. (2013) Detection of F-specific RNA bacteriophage and somatic coliphage from gray water, Water and Environment Technology Conference 2013 (WET2013), 16-4A-11, 56. (15-16 June, Tokyo)
- Acharya, S., Kurisu, F., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2015) Modelling microbial regrowth in tertiary reclaimed water after chlorine disinfection, IWA 3rd Water Research Conference. (11-14 January, Shenzen, China)
- Acharya, S., Kurisu, F., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2015) Chlorine dose determines bacterial community structure and regrowth in reclaimed water, Water Environment Technology Conference 2015 (WET2015). 3B-13, p.49. (5-6 August, Tokyo, Japan)
- Phungsai, P., Kurisu, F., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2015) Unknown screening of chlorinated disinfection by-products and their precursors in drinking water by Orbitrap mass spectrometry, Water Environment Technology Conference 2015 (WET2015). 2A-07, p.21. (5-6 August, Tokyo, Japan)
Watershed and Water Resources Group
- Taniguchi, K. and A. Yamamoto (2010) Comparing CMIP3 20th Century Experiments and Developing Dynamic Downscaling Method using Numerical Weather Prediction Model, 2010 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 13-17 December.
- Sun, W., Ishidaira, H., Magome, J. and Ichikawa, Y. (2011) Water Resource Assessment under Climate Change in the Arakawa Basin Tokyo Metropolitan Area, The XXV IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne (Australia), 28 June - 7 July 2011.
- Taniguchi, K. (2011) Characteristics of dynamic downscaling results in Japan and Vietnam, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 5-9 December.
- Magome, J., Masutani, K., Ishidaira, H. (2011) An analysis of similarity of digital river networks with different, resolutions in various river basins, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, USA, 5-9 December.
- Choi, J.G. and Yajima, H. (2012) Modelling of multi phytoplankton species in the Urayama Reservoir, 18th Congress of the IHAR-APD. (Jeju, Korea, 19-23 August)
- Wang, J. and Ishidaira, H. (2012) Development new sediment rating curves considering the effect of vegetation change in the Da River Basin, Hydro Predict 2012. (Vienna, 24-27 September)
- Taniguchi, K. (2012) Heavy rainfall in future climate around the central Japan by pseudo global warming experiments, 2012 AGU Fall Meeting. (San Francisco, USA, 4 December)
Urban Rainwater Management and Use Group
- Imbe, M., Takei, O., Maruyama, T. and Yamada, T. (2011) Newly developed water supply system on road surface, Abstract, The 3rd IWA International Conference on Rainwater Harvesting & Management, Goseong (Korea), 20-24 May.
- Wei, X., Kasuga, I. and Furumai, H. (2012) Effects of temperature and chlorination on microbial growth in harvested rainwater, The 3rd IWA-RWHM Conference & Exhibition. (Goseong, Korea, 20-24 May)
- Imbe, M., Takei, O., Maruyama, T. and Yamada, T. (2012) Newly developed water supply system on road surface, The 3rd IWA-RWHM Conference & Exhibition. (Goseong, Korea, 20-24 May)
- Khanal, R., Furumai, H. and Nakajima, F. (2012) Toxicity assessment of size-fractionated urban road dust using ostrakod Heterocypris incongruens, IWA World Water Congress & Exhibition, IWA-8258. (Busan, Korea, 16-21 September)
Urban Groundwater Management and Use Group
- Hayashi, T., Kuroda, K., An, D.T., Nga, T.T.V. and Takizawa, S. (2012) Interaction Between Surface Water Areas and Groundwater in Hanoi city, Viet Nam, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, H11D-1208. (San Francisco, USA, 3 December)
Urban Water Use Design Group
- Pham, N.B., Aramaki T., Otaki, M., Otaki, Y. and Tran, T.V.N (2012) Micro-components survey of residential water use in Hanoi, The 10th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment (Hanoi, 8-10 November)
- Yoshioka, T., Kurisu, K. H. and Hanaki K. (2013) Evaluation of seasonal water quality fluctuation and pollutant loads derived by urban runoff and CSO in Edo Castle Outer Moat, The 5th IWA-ASPIRE, PI-20 (8-12 September, Daejeon, Korea)
- Yoshioka, T., Kurisu, K. H. and Hanaki K. (2013) Evaluation of Seasonal Water Quality Fluctuation and Countermeasures against CSO in Edo Castle Outer Moat, Water and Environment Technology Conference 2013 (WET2013), 3B-11 (15-16 June, Tokyo, Japan)
- Maki, S., Nakatani, J., Kurisu, K. H. and Hanaki K. (2013) Decision-making Oriented Multi-objective Optimization Constructing Basin-scale Water Use System- A Case Study of Arakawa Basin, Water and Environment Technology Conference 2013 (WET2013), 3B-12 (15-16 June, Tokyo, Japan)