原著論文/Peer-reviewed Papers
- Yanjun Zhang, Yu Yang, Satoshi Takizawa, Keisuke Kuroda, Zhiqian Jia, Peijuan Liu, Huangzhao Wei, Nigel J.D. Graham (2025) Development of a composite MoS2/PEI nanofiltration membrane for radionuclides efficient removal from aquatic environments, Separation and Purification Technology, 352, 128246. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2024.128246
- Shoko Tateishi, Kensuke Hamada, Noriko Emoto, Kazumi Abe, Koichi Abe, Yuki Kawasaki,
Mitsuhiro Sunohara, Kyoji Moriya, Hiroyuki Katayama, Takeya Tsutsumi, Yoshinori Murakami, Yutaka Suzuki, Hiroshi Yotsuyanagi, Shintaro Yanagimoto (2024) Facility wastewater monitoring as an effective tool for pandemic infection control: An experience in COVID-19 pandemic with long-term monitoring, Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy, (In Press).
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jiac.2024.08.014 - Yadpiroon Siri, Bikash Malla, Le Thanh Thao, Soichiro Hirai, Annisa Andarini Ruti, Aulia Fajar Rahman, Sunayana Raya, Made Sandhyana Angga, Niva Sthapit, Sadhana Shrestha, Tomoko Takeda, Masaaki Kitajima, Nguyen Quoc Dinh, Pham Duc Phuc, Huong Thi Thuy Ngo, Eiji Haramoto (2024) Assessment of environmental factors influencing SARS-CoV-2 in Vietnam's surface water across two years of clinical data, Science of The Total Environment, 957, 177449.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.177449 - Midori Yasui, Xunhao Wang, Volodymyr V. Tarabara, Hiroyuki Katayama (2024) Virus removal by microfiltration: Effects of electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions, Separation and Purification Technology, 350, 127902.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2024.127902 - Michio Murakami, Yoshitaka Nishikawa, Masaaki Kitajima (2024) Analysis of research fields involving wastewater-based epidemiology and interdisciplinary spillovers using a structural topic model, Results in Chemistry, 12, 101897.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rechem.2024.101897 - Michio Murakami, Hiroki Ando, Ryo Yamaguchi, Masaaki Kitajima (2024) Evaluating survey techniques in wastewater-based epidemiology for accurate COVID-19 incidence estimation, Science of The Total Environment, 954, 176702.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.176702 [プレスリリース対象論文] - 中祖惟月・羽深 昭・北島正章・木村克輝 (2024) 処理水に適した低濃度版EPISENS-M法の開発およびMBRによるウイルス除去性能の評価, 土木学会論文集, 80(25) 特集号(環境工学), 24-25026.
- Noriko Endo, Aika Hisahara, Yukiko Kameda, Kaito Mochizuki, Masaaki Kitajima, Makoto Yasojima, Fumi Daigo, Hiroaki Takemori, Masafumi Nakamura, Ryo Matsuda, Ryo Iwamoto, Yasuhiro Nojima, Masaru Ihara, Hiroaki Tanaka (2024) Enabling quantitative comparison of wastewater surveillance data across methods through data standardization without method standardization, Science of The Total Environment, 953, 176073. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.176073
- Miaomiao Liu and Ikuro Kasuga (2024) Impact of chlorine disinfection on intracellular and extracellular antimicrobial resistance genes in wastewater treatment and water reclamation, Science of The Total Environment, 949, 175046.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.175046 - Aishwarya Pandey, Ikuro Kasuga, Hiroaki Furumai, Futoshi Kurisu (2024) Non-target liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry screening to prioritize unregulated micropollutants that persist through domestic wastewater treatment, Science of The Total Environment, 947, 174486. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174486
- Kexuan Gao, Yu Yang, Ao Li, Jian Pu, Satoshi Takizawa, Nigel J.D. Graham, Li-an Hou (2024) Fouling behavior of BTEX in petrochemical wastewater treated by nanofiltration (NF), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 476, 135185.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.135185 - Ankit Man Shrestha, Shinobu Kazama, Benyapa Sawangjang and Satoshi Takizawa (2024) Improvement of Removal Rates for Iron and Manganese in Groundwater Using Dual-Media Filters Filled with Manganese-Oxide-Coated Sand and Ceramic in Nepal, Water, 16(17), 2450. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16172450
- Masayu Nadiya Zikrina, Shinobu Kazama, Benyapa Sawangjang and Satoshi Takizawa (2024) Filling Discrepancies between Consumer Perception and Actual Piped Water Quality to Promote the Potable Use of the Municipal Water Supply in Indonesia, Sustainability, 16(16), 7082. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16167082
- Saiful Amin, Shinobu Kazama, Benyapa Sawangjang and Satoshi Takizawa (2024) Causes and Effects of Scale Deposition in Water Supply Pipelines in Surakarta City, Indonesia, Water, 16(16), 2275. https://doi.org/10.3390/w16162275
- Maho OTA, Ikuro KASUGA, Futoshi KURISU (2024) Sensitivity and Quantitativeness of Large-Volume Injection Combined with Liquid Chromatography/High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry for Target Screening Analysis of Emerging Contaminants, Environmental Pollution, 355, 124180. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124180
- Noriko Tomioka, Thao Tran P., Masataka Aoki, Yasuyuki Takemura & Kazuaki Syutsubo (2024) Escherichia coli removal in down-flow hanging sponge reactors: insights from laboratory reactor studies, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 59(6), 295–304. https://doi.org/10.1080/10934529.2024.2384205
- Junya Uchida, Miaomiao Liu, Shizuka Matsuyama, Hiroyuki Katayama and Takashi Kato (2024) Virus adsorption and elution using cationic polymer brushes: potential applications for passive sampling in wastewater-based epidemiology, RSC Applied Polymers, 2(4), pp.670-677. https://doi.org/10.1039/D3LP00216K
- Byung-Kwang Yoo, Rei Goto, Masaaki Kitajima, Tomoko Sasaki and Sebastian Himmler (2024) Willingness to pay for nationwide wastewater surveillance system for infectious diseases in Japan, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technolog (Advance Article). https://doi.org/10.1039/D4EW00332B [プレスリリース対象論文]
- Jia Xing Loi, Kazuaki Syutsubo, Mohamad Fairus Rabuni, Yasuyuki Takemura, Masataka Aoki, Adeline Seak May Chua (2024) Downflow sponge biofilm reactors for polluted raw water treatment: Performance optimisation, kinetics, and microbial community, Chemosphere, 358, 142156. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.142156
- 北島正章, 元岡大祐, 小出直史, 村上道夫 (2024) 感染症対策における最新技術動向-感染状況の把握と下水サーベイランスの現在地, CiDER Policy Discussion Paper (CiDER-PDP), PDP008. https://www.cider.osaka-u.ac.jp/pdp/CiDER-pdp008.pdf
- 安藤宏紀、北島正章 (2024) 下水疫学調査による新型コロナウイルスの感染動向把握, モダンメディア, 70(9), pp.292-301. https://www.eiken.co.jp/uploads/modern_media/literature/202409_70_22-31.pdf
- Ananda Tiwari, Päivi Meriläinen, Erika Lindh, Masaaki Kitajima, Pamela Österlund, Niina Ikonen, Carita Savolainen-Kopra, Tarja Pitkänen (2024) Avian Influenza outbreaks: Human infection risks for beach users - One health concern and environmental surveillance implications, Science of The Total Environment, 943, 173692.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173692 - 北島正章 (2024) 下水中ウイルスの高感度検出技術の開発と社会実装, EICA, 28(4), pp.46-49.
http://eica.jp/search/paper_read.php?id=1804 - 北島正章 (2024) 下水疫学に基づくウイルス性呼吸器感染症の動向把握, インフルエンザ〜その他の呼吸器感染症, 25(1), pp.29-34. https://publish.m-review.co.jp/magazine/detail/J0026_2501
招待講演・基調講演/Invited Speech
- 北島正章 (2024) 下水疫学:環境中の病原体ゲノム高感度検出技術の開発と社会実装, 日本環境変異原ゲノム学会(JEMS)第53回大会 シンポジウム2, Dec. 7, 就実大学, 岡山.
- Satoshi Takizawa (2024) Water Supply and Sanitation in Asian Countries under Changing Social and Natural Environments [基調講演], SEAWE-14, Dec 3, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Masaaki Kitajima (2024) Technology Development and Social Implementation of Wastewater-based Epidemiology in Japan. Korean Society of Water and Wastewater (KSWW) Conference, Oct 30, Jeju, South Korea.
- Hiroyuki Katayama, Masaaki Kitajima (2024) Wastewater-based Epidemiology: Experience in Japan [基調講演], 2024 annual academic meeting of the Chinese Association of Microbial Ecology, Oct 26, Qingdao, China.
- 滝沢智 (2024) これからの水道システムの在り方について, 令和6年度水道大学基礎講座(全国簡易水道協議会主催), Oct 25, 全国町村会館, 東京都.
- Takashi Hashimoto (2024) Ensuring Safe Potable Water Supply with Membrane Filtration: Aging Mechanisms and Monitoring Strategies, Hydrosphere Science Seminar, Oct 7, Online.
- 滝沢智 (2024) 水道の地震対策と脱炭素, 岩手県盛岡市水道創設90周年記念講演会, Oct 4, 盛岡市.
- Futoshi Kurisu (2024) Non-target screening of persistent micropollutants and their ecotoxicological evaluation in wastewater treatment and river [Keynote], SETAC Asia-Pacific 14th Biennial Meeting, 21-25 Sep, Tianjin, China.
- Masaaki Kitajima (2024) Technological advancement and social implementation of wastewater-based epidemiology: experience in Japan, 国立台湾大学 Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences 特別講義, 19 September, 公衛201講堂.
- Masaaki Kitajima (2024) Technological advancement and social implementation of wastewater-based epidemiology: experience in Japan [Keynote], Wastewater Surveillance for Pathogens and Emerging Contaminants Symposium / The 14th Asian Symposium of Microbial Ecology (ASME 2024), 18-20 September, National Taiwan University, Taipei.
- 北島正章 (2024) 国際マスギャザリングイベントでの適用, SpringX 超学校 エビデンスと共に考える「いのち」と「くらし」を豊かにする講座 season2, 第3回 下水疫学 ー大阪・関西万博に向けた最先端の知見ー, Sep 17, グランフロント大阪北館2F SpringX/YouTube Live.
- 北島正章 (2024) ポストコロナ社会における下水サーベイランスの活用と全国展開に向けて [基調講演], (一社)日本下水サーベイランス協会 第3回講演会「ポストコロナ社会における下水サーベイランスの活用と全国展開にむけて」, Aug 2, TFTビル, 東京.
- Takashi Kato (2024) Advanced Functional Liquid-Crystalline Materials [Plenary lecture], 29th International Liquid Crystal Conference, 21-26 Jul, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- 北島正章 (2024) 札幌市における下水疫学調査に資する下水中ウイルス高感度検出技術, 第35回北海道輸血シンポジウム, Jul 20, 日本赤十字社北海道ブロック血液センター, 札幌.
- Masaaki Kitajima (2024) Wastewater & Environmental Surveillance for Public Health Action in Asia [Keynote Panel], PREPARE-TF READl: Developing a Regional Agenda for Wastewater & Environmental Surveillance and Research for Epidemics and Pandemics, June 24-28, PARKROYAL on Beach Road, Singapore.
- Cecilia Burzio (2024) Roundtable panelist on "Empowering Youth for Sustainable Futures: Exploring the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus", 2024 ACUNS Annual Meeting, Jun 20-22, Komaba campus, UTokyo.
- Futoshi Kurisu, Ota, M., Shinfuku, Y., Kasuga, I., Suzuki, Y. and Kameya, T. (2024) Risk Evaluation by Target Screening of the Compounds on the Emerging Contaminants List in Water Environment in Japan. The 13th IWA Micropol and Ecohazard Conference, Jun 16-20, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Masaaki Kitajima (2024) Wastewater-based Epidemiology [Keynote], International Young Researchers’ Conference 2024, June 8, 東京大学.
- Masaaki Kitajima (2024) Wastewater surveillance at international airports to monitor imported infectious diseases: a proof-of-concept study in Japan. NSF Research Coordination Network Webinar Series, June 7, Online.
- Hiroyuki Katayama (2024) Best Practice in Japan and One-Health Approach. 10th World Water Forum. 22 May, Bali, Indonesia.
- 栗栖太 (2024) 複雑系である環境微生物と有機物の理解と制御, 中国地区5校合同環境セミナー, May 11, 広島市国際青年会館(アステールプラザ).
- Satoshi Takizawa and Benyapa Sawangjang (2024) Fluoride Adsorption on Natural Oraganic Materials - Health Effects and Potential for Fluoride Removal, CMU-UT Symposium on Urban Engineering and Informatics 2024, Apr 24-26, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- Hiroyuki Katayama (2024) Wastewater-based Epidemiology: Sewer can serve as information source on how infectious disease are spreading in the community, CMU-UT Symposium on Urban Engineering and Informatics 2024, Apr 24-26, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- Takashi Hashimoto (2024) Sustainable Safe Drinking Water Supply with Membrane Filtration Technology, CMU-UT Symposium on Urban Engineering and Informatics 2024, Apr 24-26, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- 北島正章 (2024) 下水疫学:患者検体に依存しない病原体サーベイランス, 第59回日本臨床分子医学会学術集会 スポンサードセミナー2, Apr 13, 東京国際フォーラム.
- Masaaki Kitajima (2024) Wastewater Banking: Proof of Concept as an Archival Record of Population-Level Infectious Disease Prevalence, ISBER 2024 Annual Meeting and Exhibits, Apr 11, Melbourne/Virtual.
国際会議/International Conferences
- Benyapa Sawangjang and Satoshi Takizawa (2024) Fluoride removal from groundwater by using natural organic adsorbents such as rice grain and rice powder, SEAWE-14, A-019, Dec 3-5, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Yan Tung Lo, Takashi Hashimoto and Satoshi Takizawa (2024) Tannic acid exfoliated graphitic carbon nitride thin-film nanocomposite membrane for the removal of emerging pollutants in potable water reuse, SEAWE-14, A-045, Dec 3-5, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. [Best Oral Presentation Award]
- Chenrun Jiang, Naoko Tamai, Kenichi Yoshizawa, Futoshi Kurisu, Ikuro Kasuga (2024) Comparison of 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) removal potential of different types of biological filters used for drinking water treatment, SEAWE-14, A-097, Dec 3-5, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Cecilia Burzio, Michael Welle, Yoshihiko Kawaguchi, Koji Kosaka, Kazuhiro Komatsu, Takashi Hashimoto (2024) Detection of river water contamination using excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy and convolutional neural network, SEAWE-14, A-123, Dec 3-5, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Vu Duc Canh, Motoki Kawashima, Akihiro Kawaguchi, Miaomiao Liu, Hiroyuki Katayama, Satoshi Okabe and Masaaki Kitajima (2024) Wastewater Surveillance of Human Bocavirus and Streptococcus Pneumoniae in Japan, SEAWE-14, A-125, Dec 3-5, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Made Sandhyana Angga, Annisa Andarini Ruti, Aulia Fajar Rahmani, Ahmad Soleh Setiyawan, Tjandra Setiadi, Masaaki Kitajima, and Eiji Haramoto (2024) Future Research Prospect of Wastewater-based Epidemiology in Indonesia : Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria at Wastewater Treatment Plant in Bandung City, SEAWE-14, A-149, Dec 3-5, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Hiroki Ando, Satoshi Okabe, Masaaki Kitajima (2024) Treatment reduction of SARS-CoV-2 and gastroenteritis viruses in municipal wastewater treatment revealed by the EPISENS-M method, SEAWE-14, A-151, Dec 3-5, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Miaomiao Liu, Ikuro Kasuga, Hiroyuki Katayama, Masaaki Kitajima (2024) Monitoring antimicrobial resistance genes in Japan using wastewater-based epidemiology: from Pre- to Post- COVID-19, SEAWE-14, A-156, Dec 3-5, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Cecilia Burzio, Yoshihiko KAWAGUCHI, Koji KOSAKA, Kazuhiro KOMATSU, Takashi HASHIMOTO (2024) Rapid Detection of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Pesticides in River Water Using Fluorescence Spectroscopy, WET2024, July 20-21, Okayama University.
- Masaaki Kitajima (2024) Ongoing wastewater surveillance programs in Japan. Online Symposium on Wastewater and Environmental Surveillance (WES) in Asia. July 10, Online.
- Sayani Halder, Masaaki Kitajima, Kento Ishii, Ryuji Morishima, Takashi Kawakami, Yosuke Maeda (2024) Feasibility of water recycling at a household level using an advanced small scale multi-barrier treatment system, Poster, The 19th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies. 24 – 28 June, Grand Hall Zollverein, Essen, Germany.
- Masaaki Kitajima, Hiroki Ando (2024) Tracking the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on other viral diseases through wastewater-based retrospective epidemiological surveillance, Singapore International Water Week 2024, June 18-22, Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.
- Tomoko Takeda, Masaaki Kitajima, Bikash Malla, Kwanrawee Sirikanchana, Jatuwat Sangsanont, Kok Sothea Sin Khanndarith, Huong Thi Thuy Ngo, Sarmila Tandukar, Zeba F. Alam, Jessamine Gail M. Inson, Ma. Luisa D. Enriquez, Ahmad Soleh Setiyawan, Tjandra Setiadi, and Eiji Haramoto (2024) Towards a regional framework for wastewater-based epidemiology, Singapore International Water Week 2024, June 18-22, Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.
- Vu Duc Canh, Tran Thi Viet Nga, Nguyen Thuy Lien and Hiroyuki Katayama (2024) Low-Cost Virus Concentration Method for Wastewater-Based Epidemiology, Singapore International Water Week 2024, Jun 18-22, Singapore.
- Miaomiao Liu, Vu Duc Canh, Shunsuke Kadoya, Hiroyuki Katayama (2024) Viral indicators for combined sewer overflow (CSO) pollution based on capsid integrity quantitative PCR, Poster, Singapore International Water Week 2024, Jun 18-22, Singapore.
- LIU, X.-Y., OGUMA, K., KASUGA, I. and KURISU, F. (2024) Exploring Efficacy of UV/Chlorine Treatment to Control Disinfection Byproduct Compounds by Unknown Screening Analysis: Insights from a Drinking Water Treatment Plant Treating Pristine River Water. The 13th IWA Micropol and Ecohazard Conference, Jun 16-20, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Pandey, A., Kasuga, I., Furumai, H. and Kurisu, F. (2024) Target and non-target screening to study the fate of micropollutants in different biological treatment processes in a domestic wastewater treatment plant. The 13th IWA Micropol and Ecohazard Conference, Jun 16-20, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Suzuki, Y., Suzuki, Y., Ogawa, Y., Kimura, T., Kameya, T., Kasuga, I. and Kurisu, F. ( 2024) Suspect Screening of 107 Pharmaceuticals in Treated Wastewaters and Their Receiving Rivers in Japan Using LC-QToF/MS. The 13th IWA Micropol and Ecohazard Conference, Jun 16-20, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Nadu Kankanamge Lahiru Chathushan Rupasinghe, Keita Soda, Yasuhiro MATSUI, Vu Duc Canh, Hiroyuki Katayama (2024) Influence of operating state on reduction of viruses from a pilot scale ultrafiltration system for potable water reuse, 8th ISFEV Conference, Jun 9-14, Tokyo.
- Vu Duc Canh, Tran Thi Viet Nga, Nguyen Thuy Lien and Hiroyuki Katayama (2024) Development of virus concentration method using moringa oleifera extract, 8th ISFEV Conference, Jun 9-14, Tokyo.
- Miaomiao Liu, Junya Uchida, Shizuka Matsuyama, Takashi Kato, and Hiroyuki Katayama (2024) Passive Sampling Materials: Surface-Modified Cotton Gauze to Better Adsorb Viruses from Water, 8th ISFEV Conference, Jun 9-14, Tokyo.
- Shotaro Torii, Bikash Malla, Hiroki Ando, Masaaki Kitajima, and Eiji Haramoto (2024) "Relative occurrence and reduction of waterborne viruses, tobamoviruses, crAssphage, polyomaviruses, and protozoa at wastewater treatment plants determined by high-throughput quantitative PCR", 8th International Society for Food and Environmental Virology(ISFEV) Conference. p.38, June 9-14, Shimadzu Tokyo Innovation Plaza, Kawasaki. [Best Research Award]
- Sunayana Raya, Made Sandhyana Angga, Aulia Fajar Rahmani, Annisa Andarini Ruti, Sarmila Tandukar, Sangita Tara Sharma, Jatuwat Sangsanont, Kwanrawee Sirikanchana, Huong Thi Thuy Ngo, Zebra F. Alam, Ahmad Soleh Setiyawan, Tjandra Setiadi, Tomoko Takeda, Masaaki Kitajima, and Eiji Haramoto (2024) Surveillance of hepatitis A virus in Asian countries using wastewater-based epidemiology, 8th International Society for Food and Environmental Virology(ISFEV) Conference. p.42. June 9-14, Shimadzu Tokyo Innovation Plaza, Kawasaki.
- My Hanh Vu Thi; Kurisu, F.; Suzuki, Y.; Hasebe, F.; Glidden, D.; Liachko, I.; Suzuki, M.; Kasuga, I. (2024) Proximity-guided metagenomics to unravel physical association between plasmid-borne antimicrobial resistance genes and hosts in wastewater in Vietnam, EDAR7(Environmental Dimension of Antimicroial Resistance), May 26-31, Montreal, Canada. [Water Posters - 1st Place]
国内会議/Domestic Conferences
- 第47回日本分子生物学会年会, 2024年11月26日~29日, 福岡国際会議場.
- 第61回環境工学研究フォーラム, 2024年11月26日~28日, 朱鷺メッセ 新潟コンベンションセンター.
- 日本化学会秋季事業 第14回CSJ化学フェスタ2024, 2024年10月22日~24日, タワーホール船堀.
- 日本微生物生態学会第37回広島大会, 2024年10月28日~31日, 広島国際会議場.
- 令和6年度 水道研究発表会, 2024年10月9~11日, 神戸国際展示場・会議場.
- 第27回日本水環境学会シンポジウム, 2024年9月20日~22日, 岩手大学.
- JST未来社会創造事業本格研究(田中課題)第2回公開シンポジウム, 2024年8月2日PM, 東京ベイ有明ワシントンホテル.
- (一社)日本下水サーベイランス協会 第3回講演会, 2024年8月2日AM, TFTビル東館, 東京.
- 第72回質量分析総合討論会2024, 2024年6月10日~12日, つくば国際会議場.
- Masaaki Kitajima, Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers award in 2024, Clarivate Plc, 2024.11.
- Chenrun JIANG (D2, 春日郁朗・栗栖太) WET2024, The WET Excellent Presentation Award, 2024.7, 岡山大学.
- Nilupuli SINGAPPULI (D3-, RECWET指導教員 滝沢智) WET2024, The WET Excellent Presentation Award, 2024.7, 岡山大学.
- Shotaro Torii, Bikash Malla, Hiroki Ando, Masaaki Kitajima, Eiji Haramoto, The 8th ISFEV Conference, Best Research Award, 2024.6, Tokyo.
- 上原悠太郎 (D3, 栗栖太) 第17回 質量分析夏の学校 優秀口頭発表賞, 2024.6, つくば国際会議場.
- Vu Thi My Hanh(D3, 春日郁朗) EDAR7, Water Posters - 1st place, 2024.5, Montreal, Canada.
- 北島正章, 第5回ジャパンリサーチフロントアワード, クラリベイト社, 2024.5.
報道・雑誌記事等/Other Articles & Media
- [インタビュー] 北島正章 (2024) 下水の新型コロナウイルス調査、予算1・7倍要求で範囲拡大…1週間後の流行を予測, 読売新聞, November 28.
- [取材協力] 滝沢智 (2024) 能登地震受け国が緊急点検 災害拠点 水道耐震化15%, (共同通信)京都新聞・神奈川新聞ほか地方各誌, Nov 2.
- [対談] 北島正章・谷戸善彦 (2024) 北島正章×谷戸善彦【上下水道の未来を考える対談シリーズ第6回】, 上下水道情報plus 公共投資ジャーナル社, Oct 16.
- [インタビュー] 滝沢智 (2024) 浄水場の耐震化率、東京は全国最下位の13% なぜ進まないのか, 朝日新聞デジタル/朝刊, Sep 1.
- [インタビュー] 北島正章 (2024) 下水から病原体把握「下水疫学」 元北大大学院准教授・北島さん、東大で研究本格化, 北海道新聞デジタル Aug14/同朝刊 Aug 16.
- [解説] 北島正章 (2024) 下水疫学の総論(連載:下水疫学最前線の6人が斬る!~イノベーションと社会実装の課題~), 月刊下水道, 2024年8月号, pp.67-69, Aug.
- [解説] 北島正章 (2024) 下水疫学調査が拓く感染症対策の未来 感染症に対し強靱な社会づくりに貢献 社会実装へ予算確保と実施体制の整備を 東京大学 北島 正章, 環境新聞, July 24.
- [インタビュー] 北島正章 (2024) 「下水疫学」コロナ流行で注目 病原体から感染症把握、コスト抑え正確に(連載:学びの扉), 朝日新聞, July 12.
- [インタビュー] 北島正章 (2024) 島津と塩野義が東大に開設の「国際下水疫学講座」、空港下水で感染症越境流入監視技術 -北島正章特任教授に聞く、今後の研究の方向性-, 日経バイオテク, July 11.
- [インタビュー] 滝沢智 (2024) 能登半島地震 断水の教訓 滝沢智・東大大学院教授に聞く 水道耐震化の遅れ直撃, 東京新聞, July 1.
- [インタビュー] 北島正章 (2024) インバウンド増加見据え「下水」に注目! 7月にも羽田・成田で調査、デング熱やサル痘も水際で止める, 東京新聞朝刊/TOKYO Web, 第12面, June 16.
- [寄稿] Masaaki Kitajima, Hiroyuki Katayama (2024) Launch of the Laboratory of International Wastewater-based Epidemiology at the University of Tokyo, HRWM Newsletter, Vol.27, p.7, June.
- [対談] 滝沢智ほか (2024) 上下水道事業の「持続」と「進化」を見据え(特集:国土交通省・環境省 上下水道新体制), 水道産業新聞, 第4~5面, May 13.
- [解説] 北島正章 (2024) 下水中ウイルスの検出技術基盤の確立とCOVID-19下水疫学調査の実用化(特集:第7回バイオインダストリー奨励賞 受賞業績), バイオサイエンスとインダストリー, 82(3), pp.348-349.
- [インタビュー] 滝沢智 (2024) 水道料金 20年余先には全国96%の事業者で48%の値上げ必要か, NHK News, Apr 24.
- [解説] 滝沢智 (2024) <提言> 水循環から考える水道行政移管(特集:国の水道行政移管と上下水道の連携強化), 下水道協会誌, 61(738), pp.10-11, 4月号.