The following subjects related to Asian water environment, especially in Southeast Asia, are selected as the topics. Other topics related to water environment are also welcome.
Abstract of oral presentations should be prepared according to the following template;
Download the template (Details are written on the Word file)
Abstract Submission is closed.
31st July 2024 Extended to 14th August, 2024
A copy of response will be sent immediately as an acknowledgement.
SEAWE-14 will NOT provide symposium proceedings.
Financial support "Excellent Abstract Award with international travel support" will be given to the selected, young oral presenters from developing countries shown in the table below.
The support will cover international air tickets and accommodation.
The Scientific Programme Committee carefully evaluates the abstracts that meet the below criteria and selects candidates. Then, we will contact those selected corresponding authors for the arrangement of the financial support.
Age | 35 or under 35 years old at the time of the symposium |
Country* of residence | Lower income contries based on IWA classification (PDF) * Country does not mean the nationality. * The support does NOT apply to presenters who join from Japan or Malaysia. |
Evaluation | Abstract of the presentation Up to two pages, including tables and figures |
How to apply | Application is not required. Please fill in the submission form accurately. |
We do not have any other financial assistance.
Selected abstracts will be invited for full paper submission in a special issue of Sustainable Environment Research (ISI-indexed).
Note: Publication cost is not included in conference registration fee.