Organizers & Contact


  • Research Center for Water Environment Technology (RECWET),
    School of Engineering
    The University of Tokyo (UTokyo, Japan)
  • Sustainable Process Engineering Center (SPEC),
    Department of Chemical Engineering,
    Faculty of Engineering
    Universiti Malaya (UM, Malaysia)


  • Southeast Asian Center for Water Environment Technology (SACWET),
    Asian Institute of Technology (AIT, Thailand) and UTokyo
  • Nishihara Cultural Foundation(西原育英文化事業団)

Scientific Programme Committee Members:

(Alphabetical order by surname)

(Local) Organizing Committee Members:


SEAWE-14 Secretariat Office
c/o Ms. Yuki FURUSHO
The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 113-8656, Japan
Email: asiasympo2024 [at]

Copyright © Research Center for Water Environment Technology, The University of Tokyo. All rights reserved.